Micro Outdoor Plants?


Active Member
today i thought of something that might be a good idea for people who want to grow stealthily. im sure its been done before and probably posted on this site but would it be possible to grow a random bagseed plant about halfway through the season, so that when the light hours go down its is very small? and then it would go into flower and be only around 5-6 inches tall. this would make it easy to conceal the plant. think about it, you could grow like 30 mini plants in areas scattered around your house and probly harvest an ounce. this was just a random high idea.





Well-Known Member
HAHA YEA I was just talkin about some plants I put out last year by a creek behind my house, and I didn't feed em' and they were fantastic! But, I put those plants out late, for that reason, I didn't want them to get big, and I put 22 plants out there, you could hardly see em', and I got an average of 3/4 of an oz per plant. I think it was just barely over a pound total.


Active Member
damn, 3/4 an oz PER plant? thats crazy. how big did they get? were they noticeable? i think im gona try to do it a little smaller than you lol


Well-Known Member
not a bad idea, only issue id be worried about is animals eatin em up haha
yea, that could be a problem I guess, I had em' down real close to a year-round creek, that animals frequent for water. I see footprints all around just a little ways away, but nothin' ever bothered them. Yea, 3/4 oz per average, and they were (mostly) about 24"-30" tall, and only had 2 main tops as I topped them once.There was 1 that was about 4 ft tall, but the way the ground drops down to the water there, you would have to walk right up on it to see it. There's no foot traffic back there period, so I didn't have to worry bout rippers neither. I kept a bucket in the woods nearby to scoop water with.....it was totallt worth it!


Well-Known Member
i'm thinking about the same deal, don't want any monster plants, 1 zip from a plant is fine by me


Active Member
this is more of an addition to my regular grow. 1 ounce would probly be too much for me sadly cus im trying to keep this mini grow stealthy, im thinking more like an eigth dry.