Micro propagation


Well-Known Member
Very interested and about at the point where if I want to maintain my genetic library I should be switching over to tissue culture cloning. Been trying to find places to start and get a good foot hold. Watched the video of the home kit from monster gardens as well as some other lectures. For the most part it is straight forward and more of a sterile practice but I always get lost at the medium and then the rooting process.

Anyone with experience able to point me in the right direction?
Tissue Culture is a well worn road ...To Nowhere

many tried and over the years so many have failed its

its own covid most due to many not getting their shit sterile enough

or with the Euros not being able to get the stuff in/ time

sure give it a go, but read the above again,

time IMO is better spent in keeping what you have and even expanding that

Look into Grafting females scions onto male rootstock, a tool thats worthy of weed growing

or better learn to Fem seeds

good luck
You can totally do tissue culture, if you can afford it. It is very very expensive. There is a good video about it here,

If you had the gear for growing mushrooms (presure cooker, still air box, culture jars) would you need much else besides the media and hormones?