Microbe-Lift BMC kills fungus gnats big-time

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I use a lot of guano and worm castings on my outdoor plants & gnats were becoming an issue.
Started using Microbe-Lift BMC five days ago, and this morning there were zero gnats. (woot!)

Very economical too. This small bottle was $8 & it only takes four drops to treat five gallons.
IMG_0758 (Edited).JPG
I was told 3 drops a gallon .but that looks like alot when you read the bottles instructuons.
What are you running ?
im a little hesitant cause mine are week old seedlings.
I do ten drops a gal and still have gnats this is 4x weaker than gnatrol. So tbh if u can get the water dispersable granular do it . And do not get dipel its for catarpillar not gnats get the wdg. Its more expensive but u use less imo, 2 or 3 drops per gal is to weak like most say. For best resuls add to oxygenated res and keep water slightly warm. It should grow in a few days or so possibly depending on o2 and TEMP of res.
I just bought a bottle of this stuff and have a disposable dropper but it doesn't seem to work to well with the dropper. It seems pretty thick and sludge for a liquid. Is it supposed to be thicker or is this batch bad??
I just bought a bottle of this stuff and have a disposable dropper but it doesn't seem to work to well with the dropper. It seems pretty thick and sludge for a liquid. Is it supposed to be thicker or is this batch bad??
The stuff is a bit thick, shake before using.
I just drip it out from the bottle, it doesn't have to be exact.