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Been doing some browsing and have many questions on microdosing LSD.
Wondering the experiences behind it and found a good report to share with You all...
Been doing some browsing and have many questions on microdosing LSD.
Wondering the experiences behind it and found a good report to share with You all...
I took a 7-9 day break from microdosing or eating any LSD.
Decided to drop 1-2 microbuses.
45 micrograms of LSD with no tolerance
A few minutes after dropping I felt a missing spiritual aspect is back in inside of me. I felt like my passions pedal got put on accelerate a little. It wasn’t loud but noticeable. Then felt some energy that gave me some weird and occult vibes. Tried to re enact a performance I’ve seen while on acid and it seems to flow in a very entertaining way. Just kept going with it and it made me feel good that I have enough awareness of my own creativity and caught every single mili second to push that much energy forward into whatever direction my imagination would take me.
An hour or so after dropping I am feeling a funny, unsure thought high during the very beginning of the peak. Barley any visuals. Some visual enhancement but when focusing it isn’t even noticeable. After smoking some weed during the peak it makes Me feel really high on weed. Like the LSD enhances the weed high. More euphoria and pain relief. Easier getting triggered. Out of no where. Doesn’t make sense on a neurochemistry level. The LSD most definitely brings the weed up more. If I was not used to LSD OR weed. I would probably be a little tiny bit uncomfortable.
I do not feel like I am tripping AT ALL though. Maybe a little wavy feeling but nothing that I would not be able to handle. I think since I do smoke weed everyday. It has helped Me be wayyy more comfortable with these states of mind. I seem to be funnier, have more passion and drive. And a lot of anger seems to be coming out of Me due to injustice facts around the world.
Getting some visuals in the dark with the glow of my computer screen. Some colors but it isn’t very visible. Kind of like a ribbon but 5% see through? I feel a little floaty but it comes and goes.
Slight jaw clench. Feeling more lazy than usual but this is due to synchronicity. For some reason the things I normally do on this dosage is not happening today. Or is it?… My mind is setting me up to test me to be more patient and faith in the next few hours.
WHAT AM I DOING TODAY?!?!?!?! Some more synchronicity. Things linking up and making more sense but no satisfied mysterious answer/s. Clever laughing out loud. I don’t know why Im laughing. I hope I didn’t piss You off. Who am I talking to? LOL!!!! “Getting things done now.” LOL!!! Singing while folding laundry. “Think about It.” I feel like I am listening more than I usually do. I am way more into things more than normal. Alright! The universe has allowed Me to pass. ON MY WAY!!!! I have no idea where I am going but I am on my way!!!! More synchronicity and goosebumps.
Increase to sensitivity surroundings to sound. Needed to turn that volume down yo. I want to go skiing so much right now. Some more unsure thoughts and feelings that is about to go away with some fine ass grass. I feel like if I were around someone right now they would think I’m crazy. Professional and childhood recognition and contrasting the two. Empathogenic effects and seeing Myself in other peoples shoes but in a lower layered element so to speak. Its like Im seeing the things I did from another persons perspective but I still can easily write them off. I only took 1.5 microbuses.
Maybe its the weed that is writing it off. Whatever. What am I talking about?
oH YEAH!!!! Empathy!!!! Lol!!!! The smoke from the weed is tripping Me out.
Im ready to get things done but I don’t want to for some reason. Sensitive to vibes. As I’m loading another bowl I feel the world is mad at me but gunna smoke it still and see what happens…
Feeling like I am contradicting myself and kind of being a child. I need to grow up. But WHERE AM I IN LIFE? Lol I am so comfortable where I am at but I know I need to get this job done even though I know I am going to. Its just when… Because Its like I am setting Myself to waste time but at the same time I like know exactly what I am doing. Its like Im just going through the motions on auto and everything still gets done. I don’t know. Am I on break or am I just being lazy? Who is keeping track of this? I got my time card but I wonder exactly if the universe is keeping track of everything I do. Its like I’m find with what is in front of me but I still wonder what would happen if I did everything to a T.
TBC… Needto smoke this bowl I guess?
Unexpected interruptions that I am instigating is stalling My progress even more.
The weed tastes like my job. I feel like I just had some more empathy and seeing myself from others views. Its like everyone sees me as some evil mad scientist that they want dead. And this gives me so much nervousness. Its like I can feel the future coming to me and it is frightening for this sense of empathy that I have. Thankfully I am on weed so I feel like I am protected. I feel like what I am typing is going with what I am thinking about in a weird way. People really are on my mind right now. I must change My current set and setting to get rid of these thoughts. That remaining pot sits things up yo.
I feel like the devil himself just visited the back on my throat. Never going to that dispensary again…
I have two different kinds of weed and just experienced a spiritual contrast.
Cannot distinguish what I want to do with my life at the moment. Really kind of annoying.
Unexpected intermission for work.
Why does LSD all ways do this to me? I’m sure jerry Garcia always thought this…
WoW… This is like a mini trip now. Very powerful.
I sense if I had a tolerance that I would not be having an experience like this.
Getting a little too over analytical in my head. But nothing to worry about.
Deep cleaning the bathroom instead of working. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing… Hye as long as I get the work and job done later right? I just realized I’m getting several things done at once.
So to speak. LSD is a gift. Straight up.
I do not think today was a good day to take a dose this high. Hahaha
It is all good and manageable though. I just need to eat some food and focus on this job.
Wow… Being at home be myself on acid is way better than being on acid when everyone is home.
I feel kind of bad saying and thinking that but it must be some vibe type of dynamic. Or not.
I NEED to get this food cooked and this job done. What am I thinking?!
I am feeling this music!!!!! And my priorities are getting mixed up. Way mixed up and wild.
IM SORRY!!! Im sure things will get better. No worries yo!!! I feel a pressure around my temporal lobes and it is kind of giving me a head ache. Its nothing to worry about but if I focus on the feeling it becomes very annoying. What is this? Must be an effect of LSD. Im fine. Nothing to worry about.
About to eat this food!!! Yes finally!!!! My thoughts are going faster but not as much as they do when tripping on like 60+ microgram increments. I just asked the strangest question pertaining to human health and what is appropriate or not for my own lifestyle. Such as shaving my legs when I am a male or wondering what type of soup is better for your skin and hair. And who I am asking it to is beyond me. Its like this inner voice that is always there. I feel like I am starting to come down off the substance and going to smoke some weed and see where it gets me. I need to get this job done…
I am coming down now and feeling like I can get this job done now. I just smoke some weed and now I am wondering what I was just thinking about and forgot once I changed My set and setting. Still very distracted and wondering what I was thinking about. Gaahhhh!!!! My mind is very spacey but I love it.
Getting to work... @1 o ‘ clock.
Astrak projecting and feeling like a dumbass. But not wanting to be. I love this. Stop. What?
What do yOu know… Everything is ready and set up for me.
Getting work done. Finally.
1:31… Dropped another microdose 25 mics for some reason. Going back to work…
Feeling a surge of energy not even 3 minutes after dropping. Slight tingle in the forehead and temporal lobes of the brain. I am very surprised on how accurate and precise my work is turning out with this job.I have a weird buzzing and tingle in my neck and shoulder area by my traps.
Effortlessly getting through this job and it looks like I am doing more than a good enough job.
It is now 1:47. TBC…
Time has officially slowed down. Feeling that other microcode its just not as many visuals as I thought however I seem to have the psychedelic mind set; it’s probably because I am working.
I need to smoke some weed. I don’t know why I ate that other microdose…
I feel like people are trying to freak me out on purpose.
I am way more sensitive to vibes but I am used to this so I can handle it. It isn’t anything that is bad. Its just in My head. I got to get back to work… It is almost 3 p.m.
That weed makes me feel a whole lot better.
Still working and feeling good4:03 p.m.
Straight relief, just had a flashback and moment where I now see I have been over analyzing something for over a year now and knowing this now has made me feel so much better about this thing and now there is plenty to look forward to. In so many different ways I am so happy right now.
Back to work...Just finished work at 5:30 p.m.
Now going to smoke some weed and see what happens…Be back later to finish the report.
So I never got back to finishing the report since I smoked two fat bowls to Myself and really helped Me come down very quickly. Ate some more food, got ready for bed watched some TV and fell asleep. Very energized and got plenty of sleep last night. Feeling good, feeling fine.
I will post more trip reports in the future.