Micropropigation (Tissue culture)


Starting this thread to see if anyone is currently practicing micropropagation for cloning MJ. I was thinking about trying it out to eventually get rid of my moms and save space. If so how has your experience been compared to cloning mother plants? Thanks in advance for your input.

Here is a link to an article about micropropigation in case anyone does not know what it is:


Link to a tc kit for sale:



Well-Known Member
it is VERY effective, as u can take a flawless clone from a pest and disease ridden plant, pretty god damn amazing if u ask me. my buddy is doin it here in town. 100% sucess rate with it too. just has to be the most clean of areas u could imagine, but they say if u can grow shrooms u can tissue culture it up! but then again, how many of us have actualy even grown shrooms??

just my 2 cents tho. if u do get the kit, post a thread to teach these other cats wat its about.


Word up....thanks for the replies fellas. I'll take a look at the thread lower. RIU is awesome but the search feature sucks.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
RIU search feature sucks, so use google. "WhatYouWantToSearch site:Rollitup.org" Typing that into google will do a google search of RIU. It works 10x better than RIU's search.