Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5010679]idk about 3 ounces, but you should always shoot for at least an ounce.[/QUOTE]

i was referring to a maxxed out weight from this box... im not even close to maxxing it out this time around... but next time maybe... hopefully...


Well-Known Member
for being so late... been busy.. lol... sux to be away from riu so much, but hell, lifes been good here lately...still doing my thing... and i have a lot of piks to prove it...

besides that.. evrything is still going good... some of my lower fan leaves are yellowing a bit, but they were prolly gonna get trimmed pretty soon anyways.. just gonna let em die off.... last night made 3 weeks of 12/12... i am pretty happy with how she is looking... if you can see the stems in 1 of the videos, it looks like i.ll have some decent nugs outta this...



this all has to be a dream... i cant believe shes mine... lol... it amazes me more and more everyday...



Well-Known Member
Looking nice bro, all those healthy buds at even height... excellent. Let the mega-swelling begin! Looks like you'll definitely get more than a single blunt outta this one haha.


Well-Known Member
for sure... i may get two blunts.. lol... nah, i prolly wont even roll any of it... i wanna savor the flavor as long as possible... nothing but bowls outtamy dank pipe... lol... thanks for the compliments...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Nice plant. For all the bad thing's I heard about GHS my King's Kush is one of my favs so far. I just switched to 12/12 hope the look like yours :cool:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5018705]Gonna be budz galore in a couple weeks :weed:[/QUOTE]

im hoping so sicc... not bad for my second actual grow ( to the point of flowering a female :) ...)

thanks pipe.. what strain is in your avatar? thats what i wanna grow... whatever it is... lol... email a bean or two of it... lol...


Well-Known Member
yeahman.. i was 18 on the frontlines... back in the beggining of the war... our brigade lost 36 people during the year we were there... its all good though.. live and learn... what doesnt kill makes ya stronger...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
IDK it's a random google image. It looks like black rose or something. You can't get black rose seed and believe it or not I just got some hybrids.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah on the score... i wanna start breeding my own purps into things.. i have somemendo purp genetics and some grand daddy purp genetics (all in seed form) to work with... i may bring some color into a strain and then back cross the flavor to something un purple.. lol.. hell i have three pc cases currently... only one up and running, but i have ideas what i wanna do with the others... only future threads will tell... lol...


Well-Known Member
me neither smelly... lol... and yeah pit... im surprised myself at how good she looks... anyways..

not much of an update really.. i have like thirty piks i wanna upload, plus two vids, but dont have my memory card adapter on me... so... yeah... shitty, but...

i have bought some mollases... unsulfured... i also picked up some super bloom nutes... 12.55.9 ... not bad.. big ass jar of it for 8.50... i notice my lady yellowing quite a bit in some spots now so i figure the lil bit of in cant be bad... i gave it 1/4 strength dose of those nutes last night topped with a table spoon of molasses per gallon, with a pinch of epsom salt... while giving her the molasses and schults african violet nutes two days prior.. i have noticed substantial frost production since... i have also noticed the buds starting to swell up nicely... so i am guessing she likes the new food...

i am curious if instead of increasing her nutes, add the same strength to each watering... it says at full strength only to feed every week to two weeks for container plants... i guess i.ll experiment and see what works best for her...

my homie says the clone off her is doing great, so hopefully, i will have a clone of my own shortly... itd be nice... get this lil lady perpetual...

so, when i come back on tomorrow night, i will have hella piks and videos... so be ready fam... lots of swolen bud porn...