Microscopic Bugs

ryan s

Well-Known Member
I checked all the plants, I think two survived but I will check those again when they dry.

Another question is what do I have to do to prepare my contaminated tent for another grow?
H2O2 wipe down?


Well-Known Member
Use a blow torch on it. JK Not,,, well kind of;;

Spider Mites Suck... But these fuckers... I've lost the last two outdoor crops to them. I had some larger plants outdoors and once you see these things show you know your doomed. I mean you can control and '''maybe '' kill them off, only to find them again once flowering is midway and then you got them again and then Were these clones? Shit can everything,, and scrub tent with a weak bleach,, every everything. I mean tight into corners. Tents and pots can be scrubbed down. But you need start new, I've lost acouple outdoor crops. Clean all the pot with a bleach wash too.

Alot of clone farms have them. 'Real friends don't let friends bring home clones....' The borg are spreading.. They never hit a crop of mine till these. They were a Cali problem,, BTW I'm in Oregon now. But showing here now with the flow of clones imported from down south.

Green Cleaner works bet to battle them on your plants.. Least what I had the best luck with. GL with them

ryan s

Well-Known Member
I actually use Green Cleaner now, they haven't come back since I cleaned the tent with bleach and bought new pots


Active Member
I had such infections before, I used a lot of natural (neem and chrysanthemums extract) and chemical pesticides as a spray none of them worked against those russet mites even tho I really used a lot of solution to fully cover every spot on the plants. What helped in the end to get rid of of them was a mixture of Kali soap 10ml per quart/liter, cinnamon oil 2ml per liter and spiritous 5ml per liter of water. I chopped the top of a 5 liter container filled it up with the above mentioned mixture and gave the plants a headover bath in it. I moved the plants vigorously in every direction in the solution until no more bubbles of air arized. When taking the plants out I had a towel on the substrate to avoid solution getting into the substrate. That killed the whole colonie, I did a spray with the same solution 4 days later to be sure. Problem solved.