Mid-european 2022 grow

Exactly 4 weeks flowering/light deprivation. I sprayed polyversum again and for a last time. Stoped feeding N and used PK a week before. Temps about 35-40°C almost every day which is not common, but flower seems to like it. I broke my clip fan yesterday, damn it. Slight signs of nutrition disbalance on one of NTHC, well I´ll remain stoic, not spraying foliar feed in this phase of flowering, It has to be O.K. No signs of mildew yet. Harvest counted about 9th september, but flowers and weather will show me-typicaly for outdoor.



Last guy who tried to ripp me ended as a prey.

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Ooo the cat looks really cool, very nice looks like a very pretty lady or very handsome guy. The chap looks a diamond too, whose head is he chomping on by the way ? The grow looks like its doing very well too. Thats actually a neat little tent set up for growing out doors, especially if you want to keep the actual plant species under wraps a bit. Might try that myself one day. Thanks.
Ooo the cat looks really cool...

The cat is a boy named Snowman, he is deaf and I saved him when wondering on the road, almost blind with some eye crap, fur full of insects and looking very miserable, his tail was only one third long and bloody. Vet told me he would be dead in a week. He is now 7 years old and doing well, excelent mouse hunter, much smarter and diferent behaviour from other cats I have.

The dog is australian shepheard? It´s actually a sheep head, he brouhgt it from somewhere.

This tiny greenhouse is doing well for me, but its annoying work when covering and I´d recommend something bigger if you have a space for it.
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Another two weeks gone, they passed 6 weeks of flowering.

Everything budding nicely. One of NTHC´s shows K deficiency, both Magic Melons are slightly N deficient, so added food like 3-1,5-7. I´m keeping big fan leaves on the bottom to signalise me N deficiency soon, trying to keep it on low level because nitrogen overfeeding is a way to bud rot.

Watering only at mornings when high temepratures during days are expected. Some mold ocured on main stem of NTHC, cuted off and soaked with sulphur solution, seems to be O.K. now. But rot is my only issue now, as humidity rises to 100% every night, no matter what i do. Only dehumidifier would help, should order one immediately. Only plants health and applied mycoparasites now stands between hapy harvesting or major bud rot disaster.

It´s ful in there.

Magic Mellon

Notorious T.H.C.

Slightly stoopid fruits

NTHC both, different plants. Upper buds turning pink/violet.
wow! looking really good!
Thank you. But what an onany to get some decent yield.
And what the smell all around the garden. Some friends who don´t admire the plant came and without seeing and standing about 30 m far, they asked "are you drying yet?".
Took some samples to vape this evening.
Really? You can grow weed in Czechoslovakia? Watch for the rippers.

You can't do anything in Czechoslovakia.
Czechoslovakia has not existed since 1993.

Out of curiosity, when does "warm spring" arrive?
That is the springtime when it is safe to grow plants outdoors.
Here near Toronto Canada it is safe in mid-May.
I know in Croatia it is maybe mid-April.
You can't do anything in Czechoslovakia.
Czechoslovakia has not existed since 1993.

Out of curiosity, when does "warm spring" arrive?
That is the springtime when it is safe to grow plants outdoors.
Here near Toronto Canada it is safe in mid-May.
I know in Croatia it is maybe mid-April.
You can still hear Czechoslovakia 30 years after state was divided, no problem, it´s still in the mind of people. It´s a pity but Slovaks wanted their own and state was divided without any shooting, we remained friends, which is not very common. I like Slovakia much, we understand each other and the country is beautyfull.
In Slovakia, there are much harder cannabis laws. Once I brough full glass of weed for a wedding in Slovakia and then realized, I could be busted for years if police found it. It´s like 3 years for a few grams and up to 10 years for more then 10 grams.

Rozsudek za mast z konopí: Slovák půjde na 20 let do vězení a přijde o dům - Seznam Zprávy (seznamzpravy.cz)

I used to plant outside 1st of may, but later relized it´s too soon, mid may is just O.K. I do run them indors for about 2 months and then put it out. Toronto is much souther than I´m.

I don´t grow in pots much, buyed just one for a try for this season, can´t see any difference - airpot X classical plastic pots. It´s almost impossible to overwater airpot. They are very expansive, I´m not gonna buy any more.
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Tomorow it will be 8 weeks of flowering and things turned shit. Summer is deffinitely over, there was 4 days of rain and temperature droped to 12-15°C. Humidity betwen 80-100% everyday. All plants attacked by botrytis, so I had to harvest some of them to save my day. One Magic Melon harvested by one half, keeping it eather mature or die. Second Magic melon had to be harvested completely, about 1/5 is lost. Seedbank says 50 days of flowering, It looks good but some more time would be better. Completely harvested Slightly stoopid fruits and one of Notorious THC, about 1/5 lost. The second NTHC is still healthy but looks completely diferent, so I it might not be NTHC at all, you compare on pictures. Autopowerplant shows some places with botrytys but not that bad, keeping it to show its potential.

This season was not bad, I had two more weeks of flowering compared to last year. My friends outdoor herbs are not even close the quality of mine.
So cold and rainy weather is main limiting factor for this kind of gardening here. To have better results, I´d need to put heating and dehumidifier into the greenhouse, which is too far from KISS method i like.

Thank you all for space to share our passion. Looking forvard spring.

NTHC, had to be harvested.

Magic Melon, had to be half way harvested.

Strange "NTHC", probably diferent strain?

Some orange mold on main stem of "strange" NTHC.

Dry room, with new wooden floor which I made and am proud of:cool:, 18°C, 60% humidity.

Take care.

this year outdoor grow, just 5 flower in little greenhouse in eastern Bohemia.

Seeds: Humboldt seed company (ES), feminized: 2 x notorious THC, 2 x Magic melon, 1 x Slightly stoopid fruits
Soil: normal garden soil mixed with compost
Fertiliziers: Biobizz fishmix, Calmag, PK 13/14

Plants abaut 2 feet high so far. Some supercroping and bending done, net is to be set soon and darking of whole thing in about 14 days.
️ We are pretty much neighbours
World is small. I used to visit grower.cz but seems almost dead now.

I like it here, so many different growing habitats.

How is your grow?

I'm from the tatra mountain region, yeah grow is going OK one indoor and the other half in and half out lol (weather) I've got around 3 to 4 weeks before I chop..
I'm from the tatra mountain region, yeah grow is going OK one indoor and the other half in and half out lol (weather) I've got around 3 to 4 weeks before I chop..
Yes, weather is funny, it was about 20°C at night two weeks before, now it´s like 5°C. I used do work in Slovakia, in Rajec and Turiec region. And had a friend from Liptovský Hrádek. Like your mountains, last time I was there in june, having work conference.

4 weeks to go, good luck.
Yes, weather is funny, it was about 20°C at night two weeks before, now it´s like 5°C. I used do work in Slovakia, in Rajec and Turiec region. And had a friend from Liptovský Hrádek. Like your mountains, last time I was there in june, having work conference.

4 weeks to go, good luck.
Yes can be funny, we've had a good summer though and yes it is picturesque here... You stay safe mate