Tomorow it will be 8 weeks of flowering and things turned shit. Summer is deffinitely over, there was 4 days of rain and temperature droped to 12-15°C. Humidity betwen 80-100% everyday. All plants attacked by botrytis, so I had to harvest some of them to save my day. One Magic Melon harvested by one half, keeping it eather mature or die. Second Magic melon had to be harvested completely, about 1/5 is lost. Seedbank says 50 days of flowering, It looks good but some more time would be better. Completely harvested Slightly stoopid fruits and one of Notorious THC, about 1/5 lost. The second NTHC is still healthy but looks completely diferent, so I it might not be NTHC at all, you compare on pictures. Autopowerplant shows some places with botrytys but not that bad, keeping it to show its potential.
This season was not bad, I had two more weeks of flowering compared to last year. My friends outdoor herbs are not even close the quality of mine.
So cold and rainy weather is main limiting factor for this kind of gardening here. To have better results, I´d need to put heating and dehumidifier into the greenhouse, which is too far from KISS method i like.
Thank you all for space to share our passion. Looking forvard spring.
NTHC, had to be harvested.
Magic Melon, had to be half way harvested.
Strange "NTHC", probably diferent strain?
Some orange mold on main stem of "strange" NTHC.
Dry room, with new wooden floor which I made and am proud of

, 18°C, 60% humidity.
Take care.