Mid-Michigan frost dates


Well-Known Member
Im a Patriots fan (don't hold it against me) if that gives you any idea where Im growing. Im hoping I only have two or three frosts before picking. Durban Poison better hurry it up!


I grew for years above the 45 *.Depending on variety,strain I have finished oct. 11-nov.10.I always start em in march indoors.Exp. has taught me 2-3 days of frost is not a disaster.Any more than that,you can use anything from large trash bags to burlap,even a cotton sheet will work fine.Dont let frost hit them more than three days in a row.That was northern michigan,where I grow.Just cover them,the weather probably will warm up shortly.ENJOY!


I grew for years above the 45 *.Depending on variety,strain I have finished oct. 11-nov.10.I always start em in march indoors.Exp. has taught me 2-3 days of frost is not a disaster.Any more than that,you can use anything from large trash bags to burlap,even a cotton sheet will work fine.Dont let frost hit them more than three days in a row.That was northern michigan,where I grow.Just cover them,the weather probably will warm up shortly.ENJOY!


Active Member
There are two categories of frost.Light and hard.Light frost is down to 30 degrees. A hard frost is anything below 30 degrees.Most plants will not survive a hard frost.


Well-Known Member
well im fucked cause sept. 20th and i no for a 100% fACT that my plant wont be ready. it will only be about 5 weeks into flowering. so even if i cover it its gonna be a problem....but i suspose the cold wather could help increase the trig count as it will bw a bit stressful but the buds will deffently be more popcorn buds casue it will most likely speed up the process of flowering....but lucklly my second plant only has 2 weeks left........so it will be nice .....