MidEast Balcony/Indoor combo track


Well-Known Member
Day 23

Hola! An update on my flowering towers. Still some fan leaves yellowing, and some pistils are becoming orange. Everyone else shoots for green, me I have to be different and get yellows and orange! Needless to say I've done a lot of research and reading over this.

Budding nicely..

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I included the second image above with a bit of a closer in shot. There's a lot of bud developing on the plant, especially near the stalks. If you look closely you can see some of the serious density up there near the higher part of the image where it's all buds.

Higher up.. Whole lotta Orange. Yikes.

The higher parts in the images you can see below have less density, but still nice bud growth coming in. But you can also see in these images the immense amount of orange pistils on all my buds. I am still early in flower, I read this can be a number of things. Some strains do this, heat contributes, and also pistils which have grown under other leaves and brushing vegetation. I have now tucked large fan leaves under and brought bud stalks forward because all my bud along every inch of the plant is touching stuff everywhere, and I also have high heat. I hope this is not a disaster happening, admittedly this is not new. They have been orange for over a week now with white pistils always growing in to replace.

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I watered today with 4.5 liters of water, and AD sensi grow 1/2 dose of both A + B. That's more nitrogen than my last few feeds but with the bud talks forward now in direct light I anticipate more leaf growth on them.

With nothing to do, I modified my panda screen. It's now on a shower curtain rod and can be fully opened during lights on. This has dropped my temps 1-2 degrees C, exactly to ambient temperature outside. If this orange pistil stuff is heat, I'm doing what I can to lessen that heat even a little.


Active Member
dont worry about the orange pistils, you should get a good magnifying glass x60, x100 so you can look closly on the trichomes :) remember you want most of them to be milky not clear or amber, milky trichomes is when the plant have the most thc in it... Good luck man :)


Well-Known Member
Haha, I will have to sell my cat and buy more stuff! :D &#8362;&#8362; $$ <- I kid, will definitely need to get some sort of microscope. If you say don't worry I'm not going to worry.. Too much ;)


Well-Known Member
Day 28

My plant is doing well. The fan leaves that were yellowing have all dropped away, leaving some space and exposing more of the lower inner plant stalks.


New growth.

Under the old fan leaves there are now a number of new shoots coming up. Popcorn bud they call it, but I'm not taking them off. My plant still has at least 6 weeks to go I figure. The side pom poms also looked like popcorn a few weeks ago and I wrote them off, but my larger pop pom has turned into a strong producer, there's going to be at least 10 grams there. The smaller pom pom has bud all along it too. So everything is sticking around, let the plant divert energy as it sees fit.

Here are some shots of new little shoots, the 1st is on the larger pom pom, the others along the main stalk.

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Starting to see accelerated sugar production. Every morning I encourage the plant and whisper in her ear: 'Give me some sugar baby'. Unknown if this is having an effect. Here's two shots of some smaller lower buds for a change.. They still make sugar though!


Top Colas

Thickening up some, no rush.. The smaller one on the left, has caught up quite a bit to the larger one on the right.


My Gardener

Guess who was given and ate the yellow fan leaves? You know it! Haha, my cat is gigantic but looks like a kitten next to the big plant pot, funny guy that cat.


I've upped nutrients to 3/4 dose of AD Sensi Grow per week. There's some tip burn but it's fine. I'm going to stick at 3/4 for the next week or so and watch what goes on. Plant still getting 4.5 liter of water ever 3 days.

I've also lowered my light on to 11.5 hours, but I use about 15 mins of the dark time (which is actually still daylight) to check the plant every day quite thoroughly.


Well-Known Member
Time for more pics Holy :D
Heh.. Here they come ;)

Day 35 Flower.

The thickening continues, here's a general overview of the plant with many shots showing the maturing buds. I'm thrilled to say the least with my 1st grow.. Leaves may fall, tips may now burn but it is clear that barring natural disaster nothing will stop the plant now from both finishing, and as is evident yielding as well beyond my wildest hopes.

Cola 1

Calyxes all coming out nicely, new hairs along the plant constantly replacing the orange ones, buds are all thickening and my great fear that the plant would yield airy has thankfully been quieted. Still a few weeks from ending but buds are already dense.. I hope they get bigger and have high hopes, as I have read that the last 2 weeks can sometimes really add on the weight like a fatty in a Hostess factory!

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The Stalks

It can be hard to see with vegetation in the way but my lady is a producer. She is kicking bud out everywhere all along her stalks and it's thickening. I could not be happier, truly. I chose the lesser dense stalk for the images to keep things honest.. Because the density is less impressive than the other one.

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Apart from the 2 main stems which are shown above, there's also the smaller shoots + branches coming off the stems which are looking fine. 14 in total, here's a shot to get an idea.


The Pom Poms.
My favorite part is that these two things which I thought were totally useless, are pulling their weight and then some. One is much smaller, the image with my thumb in it shows it is nothing extravagant. But it has bud along it, and the larger one does too, and that one is clearly receiving the auxins of a main cola. It's thick and developing beautifully.

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The next generation.

I'm still trying and waiting to get 1 cutting from late flower to root, but the pressure is off. My best friend called and gave me something I 'had to try' and in his words 'make fruitful and multiply'. A small bag with 1 test shot of some awesome green, and 9 seeds.. all that was left from the batch. Yes, I have nice friends :)

The results 48 hours later speak for themselves.

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Houston.. We are GO for launch :)

Update.. and then there were 8 :P
Oops lol. I don't think I have room for that, we'll see somewhere farther down the road how many females exist in this brood.
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Well-Known Member

A shot of the new crew's 1st day in the sun while in between my plant's updates..


Spent the 1st day or so under / far away from the 600 HPS, and then few more hours a few inches from an 80 CFL, but blech.. too much stretch. Today and from now full 11-12 hours in the blistering sun. I don't harden off, time to get used to the real world. Thrive or die. C'est la vie!


Well-Known Member
Day 40 Flower

Aloha! Thought I'd update my plant as it hits just about 6 weeks of flower, meaning should be another 2-3 weeks or so before possibly harvesting. That's pretty exciting! Now for some pics, she's looking a little weathered.. But hey, it's all good! Some light bleaching from the HPS up top too. But I'm fine with it as I try to get more light to lower parts, those few inches when the plant is over a meter high mean a lot extra lumens for stuff farther down..



Cola 1
All sorts of funky new calyx growth this week as the plant foxtails a bit. I've tried squeezing the top buds, they're super solid so I hope this 2nd round of calyxes make it even bigger in the last few weeks. Cola 1 has most of these new omnidirectional flowers.

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Cola 2
Cola 2 has caught up in size nicely too.


Some random bud.. Who doesn't like random bud!?


Watered yesterday with 4.5 liters, and AD Sensi Grow A at 1/3 dose, and and Sensi Grow B at 3/4.
I also cut three branches off, to try and get cuttings in a water glass because I'd like to try to preserve the plant. They were small but I dried the plucked off buds and smoked them, definitely did the trick so that was pretty fun! :)


Well-Known Member
How are things coming along? Things have been quiet in the Middle East :D
Hiyo, there's always action here in this region.. Good times ;)

I'm just waiting for my plant to finish.. probably another week or so. Not much happening it's just sort of finishing, will get pics up soon and update. A chunk of buds were quick dried/harvested for a big friends session. There was no choice, was fun! Hopefully the rest will be just as great.


Well-Known Member
Day 60 - End of the road..

My 1st grow is finally finishing, 4 months - That's a long time! I can basically harvest any day now as soon as I get a good chance. My trichomes mostly look milky, I'm just giving a few days to see my 1st spot of amber. My pistils are about 50% orange, these are admittedly terrible iphone pics in terrible light that I had to brighten to be able to see anything, it made the pistils look a lot more done in these pics but there's still a lot more white ones in reality and you can't see any of the sugar :/ Oh well.

You can however see a large area under the 2nd cola where I have harvested a bunch of bud (mostly for a party). There's a bit of a drought of the green stuff in my country right now, so we needed some. Smoke was great! Obviously with no couch lock (not a fan of that) since it was still a week to 10 days from full harvest.

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Shot of one of the new guys.. Clearly an indica this time around.. IMG_0950.JPG


Well-Known Member
Day 70 - Harvest.

Hi, my plant could go more but I feel good and it was time in my opinion to cut. I prefer a lighter upper bud than a heavier couch lock. So.. out came the trimmers. Lot of fun, stinky!! Here's the tally minus the bud I have already smoked over the last 2-3 weeks :P

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I'm naturally super pleased for my 1st time, and extremely thankful for all the help I've received from users here at the forum. Thank you :)



Well-Known Member
After drying for about 4 days in my flower room with all the ventilation working I've moved my treasure to a big Tupperware, for another few days of dry and curing before I find out how much there is. The stems are almost snappy, so was drying quickly. Today was the 1st time I tried some of the actual cut and drying bud and I'm blitzed, haha so that's great!

I also unplugged everything in my flower area which is a nice change for a few weeks until my developing plants in clone/veg are ready to get into the fry room.. Uhh flower room :P~ They are currently getting sun during the days with some extra indoor CFL while I wait for sex. I'll post my final weight in a few days and end my super enjoyable first grow, maybe I wont smoke everything before :)


Well-Known Member
most excellent!! Great job on your first grow, cannot wait to see the next batch:)