
look home home brewery shops on bing and go to the closest one to your house, thats where i got mine. you will know when co2 is gone if the twin airlock stops bubbeling

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Nevermind on the 3 ft. from the plants, i guess i suck with eyeing out measurements cuz its only 18 inches away from the plants :/
just really that back middle one is taking forever, and i believe that was the random mid strain that i randomely put in there.
And also with the nute burn, do you guys think it would be because i used FF Ocean Forest and big bloom and it just over fert it or what?
in 2 weeks you will be giddy as a school girl.

16 days
DSCF2332 Streach 2 weeks.JPG

31 Days
DSCF2402 Streach 31 Days.jpg


Active Member
Never used bing before but definitely an amazing search engine :D Well thank you again everyone for your replies and im sure ill be posting more pictures in the future :)