Midweek Song Promotions

Have you all fixed the issue with CC transactions yet? My VISA debit does not work even after notifying bank. They say that an attempt to charge the card is not even happening. Nothing on their end holding it up and nothing on their end showing that an attempt was made..?

I used to use a MCard that worked with you all but I don't have it anymore..

Thanks for being a legit company. I have had nothing but 100% positive experience with you all. Except of course the lack of being able to purchase with my card lately. But I'm totally behind you all.. recommend you to all who ask me..

I ordered a few things from another bank that I needed to get asap.. but am holding out on more packs until the CC thing is fixed.. maybe let us know here if/when it gets fixed?

Thanks again for what you do..
Thanks HLH

As I said it works some of the time but not all of the time as some orders are being processed by card. The definite way to place an order at the moment is cash by recorded delivery. Sorry

so you believe the "Man" has seed bank preferences, like they allow choice to use credit cards but not midweeksong? some seed banks have not had a credit card hiccup, and some that did fixed it fast. must be more than the "Man" I think
A fairly recent quote from someone involved with a Seed bank and trying to set a CC payment up.

"The man is hammering all those credit card processing companies who handle cannabis seed sales specifically. The ones who are running through trusted companies are still up, but yeah its a fuckaround in that arena if you don't have your bases covered securely hence the time in setting it up" - @Vnsmkr

Its just an added on problem like banks not accepting dispensary money.

Trump is looking at ways to make it even harder for small time operators/ growers.
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Like I said more likely banks are behind the bs.... they "flag" companies on a list and the CC payment never goes thru.... then the only way to pay is wire transfer.. and the fees associated with it. Promoted.

Someone at the banks just got promoted .... sorry thing is that new VP probably puffs more than most of us do.....
Thanks HLH

As I said it works some of the time but not all of the time as some orders are being processed by card. The definite way to place an order at the moment is cash by recorded delivery. Sorry

No sweat. Thx for the reply. I'm gonna try again tmrw.

I do cash in a bday card with HemptDepot who I order from as well. Ya'lls selection is better though. The CC thing is just so damn convenient. Can't blame me for hoping.

Take care
Well whatever the reason its pretty much forcing me to purchase from seed companies in the USA exclusively as they are the only companies that will take CC payment. Shame really....

Trump isn't the reason... he's not that smart, please don't give him any credit, he actually looks like a blinded deer with a fucked up hair do... and I didn't vote for him. scary and the attorney general, wow.

One of the ONLY judges that was vetoed by congress EVER for being racist! I'm sure he's going to NOT be helpful unless the KKK get into cannabis.
Yeah I had to use seedsherenow . They are out of Mosca C99 and missing many others I want though. Trying to get ready for spring outdoor.. sending cash is gonna have me running a little late, for my region..
Yeah I had to use seedsherenow . They are out of Mosca C99 and missing many others I want though. Trying to get ready for spring outdoor.. sending cash is gonna have me running a little late, for my region..

I use them as well for some gear I really like but they don't carry a few of my usual strains. Yeah for out doors it's time to get the beans a crackin... I'm going to set up for all my outdoor gardening prolly this weekend..

Spring spring spring.... right around the corner.
Hey Midweek Song....I was going to place an order but you forgot one of the most basic pieces of info... THE SORT CODE all numeric: xx-xx-xx, Since then Attitude has received 5 orders via CC. If you don't want wire transfers just say so...
A fairly recent quote from someone involved with a Seed bank and trying to set a CC payment up.

"The man is hammering all those credit card processing companies who handle cannabis seed sales specifically. The ones who are running through trusted companies are still up, but yeah its a fuckaround in that arena if you don't have your bases covered securely hence the time in setting it up" - @Vnsmkr

Its just an added on problem like banks not accepting dispensary money.

Trump is looking at ways to make it even harder for small time operators/ growers.

you think that its the untrusted companies that cannot accept credit cards?
while the trusted ones are given the go ahead??

I had no issue with cc orders until Obama took office btw, so does that mean its his fault?
you think that its the untrusted companies that cannot accept credit cards?
while the trusted ones are given the go ahead??

I had no issue with cc orders until Obama took office btw, so does that mean its his fault?
Its not my quote...I quoted a quote.
Im sure "The man" will get around to all or most of them eventually. Someone was saying that we lost Herbies as well recently. (as a CC option) So thats a few big seed banks in the last few years. Very difficult for a seed bank to survive with no CC option. And any business owner knows how easy a Card reader is to get. U can even get little portable ones that plug into ur ph for around $20. Majority of them also lets you use use phone as a screen to insert CC numbers (lawnmower guys and tradies use them).https://squareup.com/au?gclid=CPezq_zg4NECFUl-vQodv7AL6w&pcrid=98550513897&pdv=c&pkw=mobile+credit+card+reader&pmt=b&sq-iyKOkV7a|dc_98550513897route=au Its a calculated crack down.
The large legal Growers like DoubleJJ are also having huge concerns with the new Trump legislation's that look like coming into play. Feel free to PM him or find the thread he and others talk about it. Im sure he wouldn't mind and im not up to date on that stuff. If you add in all the search and seizure of assets that is going on to legal growers (chargers are dropped but their assets are still seized) then its a worrying trend. https://www.viceland.com/en_us/video/search-and-seizure/57f57144a5c5e32d7a655398

Obama may not of been aware of it happening. He would of been aware of banks not excepting cannabis cash. (fed law). However the CC crackdown is on an International scale. Thats Big Pharma and the Tobacco companies getting rid of competition and using the banks as the tool. Granted the Banks dont like Trump to much due to his business ahhhh..lets call it-etiquette, but he is part of the machine. He was born into it.
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Obama may not of been aware of it happening. He would of been aware of banks not excepting cannabis cash. (fed law). However the CC crackdown is on an International scale.

Thats Big Pharma and the Tobacco companies getting rid of competition and using the banks as the tool.

All these companies that are not excepting US bank credit cards are not in the USA. I've been ordering seeds from Canada AND the USA no problemo. It's the overseas seed companies that I cannot order from (I live in the USA). I'm well stocked on seed strains out of NorCal/OR but I would like to order some of the specialty seed strains I cannot get from the USA like seeds from Sweet Seeds... auto purps varieties.

I would have to agree about Big Pharma but I would have to say it's something more sinister like Corporate Banking worldwide reach.... reason I say this is due to the fact that when trying to purchase with a CC from the few EU seed banks and the CC was declined, I called my bank and they didn't even see the CC transaction go thru.... so something on the internet was blocking the transaction from hitting the CC machine in the EU.

Like this:

on computer or Cell (different carriers same outcome) type in CC info
hit send and send CC info over the internet to the seed company to process order
get error from seed bank website
call my bank right away and ask if they see any overseas transactions going thru or getting declined
Answer from bank - they see NO ACTIVITY at all... so bank is not declining
The problem can be the digital signal interrupt before hitting seed bank CC machine, OR the seed bank CC company processor is blocking the transaction (unlikely as the CC company makes $$ on every transaction).

If the CC transaction goes thru to a bank on either end my bank would be able to see that transaction even if it was rejected. I suppose something hinky could be happening at the seed bank's own CC company but like I said unlikely as there motive to do business is to make money no matter what.

Soooo lets say it's the VISA system... and some politics going on behind the scenes there! I don't think there's any international banking/commerce laws against credit card purchase of cannabis seeds, is there??
Visa decided to crack down on seed purchase?? Again strange, they probably break banking laws daily...

Companies will break laws if the risk is not high and the rewards are high... that's history repeating itself and it's the same old same old.. can't see that changing anytime soon, specially in the banking industry. Some of the richest folks in the world were cocaine dealers...they used banks 110% even going back to alcohol prohibition. Al Capone put his money in banks... WTF??

Looks like its time to get a Canadian Checking account which is a PAIN IN THE ASS (but doable), so I can purchase seeds from Canada.. it's not against the law up there...anymore.

Problem could be as simple as the zip code on the CC form!!??

Why is the banking/business establishment fighting again Cannabis, ALL OF A SUDDEN?

Maybe the answer is Trump the Chump. He's got friends in banking...

Seeds sales are not illegal in the countries having issues..im not sure what your saying here as you havent replied to any specific comment?

really, the post above yours, the one you liked has the statement I'm responding to.
It says "Maybe the answer is Trump the Chump. He's got friends in banking...

then, I responded to the comment with this "yeah, first day in office I bet he was all over these illicit seed sales..o_O"

I propose only some seed brokers are having difficulties. This is the strange part to me. Its not new. been happening for years, then the brokers fix their issues, well, some of them anyways. Those that do are rockin the sales uninterrupted. It isnt trump that helps some brokers and not others aye?
really, the post above yours, the one you liked has the statement I'm responding to.
It says "Maybe the answer is Trump the Chump. He's got friends in banking...

then, I responded to the comment with this "yeah, first day in office I bet he was all over these illicit seed sales..o_O"

I propose only some seed brokers are having difficulties. This is the strange part to me. Its not new. been happening for years, then the brokers fix their issues, well, some of them anyways. Those that do are rockin the sales uninterrupted. It isnt trump that helps some brokers and not others aye?
I liked the whole comment not just one small line of it. I dont agree with all of his comments but do most of them, do agree on the Chump thing (like the vast majority of the world).

It has been happening the last few years..thats my point..When CC readers are so easily obtainable and Bank accounts so easy to set up why are we having this constant, recurring issue? What do you think is the problem? (and dont say its just a business thing..i have 3 small bushiness and have never had CC issues and have not heard of anyone else.)
I really dont know what the issue is. Hookers accept credit cards in my state lol.
If I sold seeds and wanted a merchant account I'd buy a copy of quickbooks and use the 17 dollar monthly
charge to be able to accept them through my quickbooks. they dont care if you cut wood,
sell ass, or guns, because they dont ask. some people tell the man they cut wood, or sell shirts, while accepting
cc payments for other reasons. of course its called money laundering here, so we got that to contend with...... would be nice if I could solve the issue for you all, but I suspect all of these
options are already explored.
RE: Chump ..... he was elected in November of last year. He's had a team together for quite some time. All it takes is a call to a VISA Corporate head and tell him we want to crack down on whatever.... what would you do if you were working for Visa?.... it ain't that big of a leap.

The problems could also be unhappy customers whom had seeds confiscated in customs and called Visa and complained. Enough complaints VISA gets involved... they do flag companies that have complaints and can shut them down for CC processing... thats something the seed banks are not going to "advertise".
Hi Guys n Gals

Anyone wanting us to send out one of our new mail order form + card + s.a.e while we search for a new cc gateway please p.m me your address and I will put one in the post to you.
