midwest grow!! got some questions!!


Well-Known Member
ok so ive been vegging 7 plants under cfls for about 7 weeks now, they are all around 1.5 feet tall, so i decided to place them outside, the thing is that everyday that ive had them outside its been chilli and mostly cloudy, they have been outside for 4 days now... i want them to conitinue vegging cause i want to have 5 feet plants... wat do u guys suggest i do??? basically the thing that i dont want is for them to go straight to flowering... any suggestiions are greatly appreciated!! :weed:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
In the midwest they should have been out already by end of april or may. yeah it was cooler but they would be fine as the snow stopped begining of april. You will have to harden off these plants to go outside until the get accustomed to being there or they will wilt and more then likely die. Outdoor growing you let them use the natural light schedulke and by October in the midwest its harvest time


Well-Known Member
You're kind of lucky it's been cloudy, otherwise the shock of going from low-intensity light to direct sun may have very well stunted them severely.. or worse.

They're probably fairly acclimated now, just leave them be.


Well-Known Member
You're kind of lucky it's been cloudy, otherwise the shock of going from low-intensity light to direct sun may have very well stunted them severely.. or worse.

They're probably fairly acclimated now, just leave them be.
Yeqh all my plants are over 1 month old, I vegged them under cfl's on a 16/8 light cycle, so all my plants are over 1.5 feet tall, it's not like they are little sprouts, I just recently placed them outside and they have really gotten a boost, I can actually SEE a difference I'm those 4 days, they got greener and the leafs that were droopy are up and healthy! I'm just wondering if they will begin harveting or will they still veg for a little bit longer?? Thanks !!!


Well-Known Member
So are u saying that it's 2 late to take them outside?? Will my plants remain vegging or will they go into flowering?? And if their 1.5 feet now at around 7 weeks how big will they get?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
you can take tehm out but they may not finsih before frost since its late but you can get them out and move them in if they dont finish. just harden then off first. Why did yoiu veg with such short light schedules? trying to force early flowering?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
noo best is 24 hours on and second best is 18-6 for veg.....16-8 is telling them days are short and your working them up for a 12 hour flower time


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have never heard anyone use a 16-8 schedule least you should use is 18-6.where did you see anyone suggest 16-8?