Midwest Medical Grow - Soil & Indoor


New Member
he still hasnt sent them, the grand total is 44grams dried fro the VK, finished up harvesting it the other night.


New Member
Ok well I found my cam it was literally INSIDE my couch. lol - so Ill do some pic updates of whats going on....here we are mid-week 11 right now...A lot has happened...We got giant buds everywhere...trees...

One of the sweet tooth I should of staked up comited suicide and took out a small lower branch of a rocklock...so that sweet tooth went 10 weeks, it was 2 ounces dry, curing now..smoking one joint it was smooth and sweet. The rocklock branch that was taken out...amazingly strong smoke and it smells really fruity and the rocklock is only 6 weeks in flowering!

So as a result of this suicide I went and got a lot of bamboo sticks and steaked up all my plants which I should of done A LONG time ago..I can get light to more areas and the big sativas arent so obtrusive..

Took a sample branch off the lemon skunks last night to check trichs...it is mostly milky but still a good amount of clear so I wanna say it has a good ways to go for sure. So yeah this is the longest run ever with these first plants, most of em have swelled but its still all white hairs for the most part...the lemon however is 50% orange hairs so thats why we took off a test bud to check the trichs....get antsy about chopping some of these but the veg room plants still have a ways to go so I am going to ride this out..some plants might even end up going 13 or 14 weeks...The younger plants have pretty much caught up with the eldest for the most part :\

so yeah its the third week of flushing with with straight molasses on the eldest plants which where all over fed at one time...I learned my lesson and I am feeding much more carefully now....I sort of do this: Big feeding 1/2 dose -> wait 3 to 5 days depending on dryness -> Water+Mollasses -> wait 3 to 5 days depending -> Light Feed 10%-25% dose - > Wait 3 to 5 days -> Water -> wait 3 to 5 days > water+molasses -> wait 3 to 5 days -> REPEAT


New Member
IMAGE_670.jpg A lemon skunk bud - 1 day short of 12 weeks in bloom

IMAGE_684.jpg I think i got a bug problem in the veg room, this is a leaf from a veging plant not sure what is wrong

IMAGE_669.jpg This is a bud from the bagseed 1 day short of 12 weeks in bloom

IMAGE_680.jpg Group shot flowering room

IMAGE_674.jpg White Persian side bud - this one about 5 weeks in bloom
IMAGE_685.jpg Group shot
IMAGE_683.jpg Veg Room - all nirvana stuff here - NL, Master Kush, Blue Mystic
IMAGE_681.jpgThe big bush in the middle is the wembley, I did FIM on this

IMAGE_679.jpg This sweet tooth is a mess, just gunna cull it soon
IMAGE_671.jpg Part of the lemon skunk, this top got burnt by getting to close to the light as you can see, 1 day short of 12 weeks in bloom
IMAGE_677.jpg another view of the ghetto LST lemon skunk, 1 day short of 12 weeks in bloom

IMAGE_666.jpg a shot of one of the smaller tops on the bagseed, 1 day short of 12 weeks in bloom
IMAGE_673.jpg White Persian top, 5 weeks in bloom
IMAGE_667.jpg another top off the bagseed, 1 day short of 12 weeks in bloom
IMAGE_675.jpgGroup shot
IMAGE_668.jpg Sweet tooth, 1 day short of 12 weeks in bloom
IMAGE_686.jpg New hydro system ready to go just need water (gotta install RO filter)
IMAGE_678.jpg Another top of the bagseed, 1 day short of 12 weeks in bloom
IMAGE_682.jpg This plant on the left is a clone called JoJo its about 4 weeks in bloom
IMAGE_676.jpg The clone again


Well-Known Member
i thought you had some that were ready for chop. did you chop those? anyhow, im diggin it. it seems like yesterday you had your first post and pics of bare drywall and studs LOL


New Member
i thought you had some that were ready for chop. did you chop those? anyhow, im diggin it. it seems like yesterday you had your first post and pics of bare drywall and studs LOL
yea nothing is ready to chop really even thou like 3 of those are 12 weeks in bloom now..

I have harvest 2 plants so far, the vk small indicia runt gave me an ounce and a half and a sweet tooth 2 ounce dry, the sweet tooth snapped itself at the base suicide at 10 weeks....the one sweet tooth I got now is gunna be at least twice the yield


New Member
Ok well here we are about half way thru week 12 in bloom for three of these plants (lemon skunk, Sweet Tooth, and bagseed) - Please observe how we have grown lemon sideways across the garden...Its hard to see her in these pics really because it takes 3 pictures to cover her 8ft length when my back is against the wall lol...

The other plants pictured are: Rocklock 9 weeks in (great pumpkin spice smell and taste, very potent pheno here also) - White Persian at about 8 weeks - Wembley (AK47xBubblegum) At about 4 weeks she is topped 4 main tops, shes the one with the yellowing and signs of nitrogen defeciency - Two clones of a local strain JoJo they are about 5 and 6 weeks in flowering, and NL#5 from pyramid seeds she is only a week or two in..

I am still learning when to harvest so tell me if any of these look ready in your opinion or how long you think it will be till they are ready - to me the lemon skunk and rocklock look like they will be ready in a week or so while the rest look like several weeks at least...The sweet tooth is very close also however...

Please keep in mind a lot of these are shots of side buds not main colas because it is easier for me to take photos of the side buds and lower buds and avoid the yellow from the HPS light, the plants are elevated high in the air on crates and main colas are way over my head up by the light, need to learn to remove the yellow from my pics with some software




New Member
alright had another incident one of the medium sized branch on the sweet tooth killed itself.....so yeah 42G WET for that branch...going to steak up like every branch on this plant


New Member
well looks like I got about 10 to 13 more days till I gotta start chopping down most of this room, I will need to remove plants to stay within the limits because I have plants incoming, I could end up just killing some seedlings or something instead I am not sure...lets just hope they are done in the next 10 days or so...they have made quite a bit of progress lately the temps stay between 70F and 75F and I don't have to run the AC anymore, I think one reason they stalled out so much was because of the heat...never the less it should be good smoke still...the last tester bud was about 3 or 4 weeks ago lemon skunk and its a head high that actually last for many hours surprisingly...It taste and smells of strong lemon smell, very unique buds never the less...the rocklock I know is a fruity pumpkin spice smell and was very potent early on in its life, the sweet tooth I really have no idea nor the white russian, the sweet tooth buds that came from the suicided plant are really not that great but they do pack a wallop in the morning or late evening when you havent smoked in many hours, definitly it is premature mostly milky however many underdeveloped trichs and not a whole lot of trichs at all to begin with.

I am considering to harvest the rocklock this week to get it thru the beginning drying process to make room for the others in my drying box, I know it is already a good smoke 4 sure.

Here is a rocklock side bud from 5 days ago:IMAGE_708.jpg

since then, the trichs have really exploded and a lot more hairs have receeded into the bud or shed or Oranged.

rocklock is about 9 or 10 weeks in flowering


New Member
Well, I was not going to harvest the rocklock, decided against until I saw 2 male pollen sacks on it, luckily they where sterile as in they had no pollen in them.

So...I harvested the Lemon Skunk which was 99.999% milky or amber (only the tippy tops of some buds had clear) - 3 hours of trimming later the dry weight should be 2.19 ounces. The rocklock weighed in at what should be 2.185 ounces dry. Really to bad the top was messed up on the LS it could of been a good yield. The good thing is we know both of these plants produced great buds 3 weeks ago from a tester dry/cured buds. I figured out the total yield for the first run should be roughly 0.6 grams a watt.

Now that I finally got the Lemon skunk beast out of there I was able to fit 3 Northern lights from Nirvana and 1 Blue Mystic from nirvana vegged for one month...4 plants took the place of 2 so it was really worth it to get that over with it was 20 weeks since the lemon skunk was born lol, I guess I will just stick with this thread - coming up we have Nirvana Master Kush, NL, and Blue mystic for the holidays while vegging with be 10 vanilla kush and 12 OG KUSH #18 - currently late in flower we still have: Barneys Sweet Tooth at week 13 (gunna be a huge yield) , Wembley from pyramid seeds (around the 30 day mark), NL#5 from Pyramid seeds (around the 2 week mark), and the two clones from the local compassion club(30 to 40 days in flowering on these).

Ok I believe its fair that I can give a review on the following strains as they have been tested thoroughly now:
DNA rocklock - amazing pumpkin smell to it - many many trichomes - good balance of sativa/indicia with hard indicia buds - very very potent - normal yield
DNA LemonSkunk - Very unique with its strong lemon pledge smell and taste - nice sativa high that last for quite some time, medium to high potency. Stretchy sativa pheno that can take a lot of food and a good beating. I expect it could finish in 10 weeks for my pheno in optimal conditions - normal yield
Barneys Farm Vanilla Kush - Very kushy floral taste that is quite sweet - Very fast buds and maturation - 2 main phenos one is a somewhat slower grower more indicia dominant and shorter - Normal to High potency - this is an indicia buzz 100% but I wouldn't rate this high for medical value for the things people use indicas for, its not very good for pain due to little to no amber - low to normal yield.

so yeah you read that right - We are blessed with pumpkin flavored buds for Halloween



New Member
Here is a few pic examples of some dried buds, the lemon skunk has been dried the least at 3 weeks or so including cure - these are not prize buds by any means they are from the lower part of the plant neither bud is trimmed for shit either so not the best examples lol but I hope it gives you an idea.
IMAGE_729.jpgThis is the vanilla kush a little over a month dry and cure, dried these a little to fast

IMAGE_728.jpg This is the vanilla kush a little over a month dry and cure, dried these a little to fast
IMAGE_727.jpg Here is the fluffy lemon skunk buds, very wispy, this is a lower bud from a lower branch, harvested 3 weeks premature.


New Member
As predicted the best Sweet Tooth weighed in at 4 ounces when assuming that 25% of the wet weight will remain.