might as well say hello :)


Well-Known Member
I've been lurking around this forum like crazy, learning about growing (by the way this has to be the #1 place to learn how to grow!), and learning about drugs, psychedelics.

Never really posted anything, just did tons of reading :mrgreen:

Anyway, I figured it would be fun to talk with everyone here, you all seem very chill and knowledgeable.

Little bit about myself: First of all I love bud. Everything about it, especially the benefits that come from it. I have noticed that herb has cured a lot of things for me (depression, anxiety, eating issues) and I will always be pro-marijuana. Hopefully one day the American government will have a fat smoke session together and come to the realization that cannabis is truly a medical miracle! :blsmoke:

Also, I love psychedelics. I've written down my view on them, feel like I need to add more, but for now it's pretty long so bare with it:

I believe there is more to life then what we see, then what our conscious wants us to see. And by using psychedelics, our conscious enters a state of complete understanding and realization of what you are truly looking at. Who are we to say what/how things should look and be. Our eyes could be deceiving us completely, and once a psychedelic is introduced into our minds, we are able to see and understand the world as it truly is.

For those who have never tried psychedelics, you are truly missing out on the truth and answers to life that we cannot find in normal consciousness. And the bullshit people say about how dangerous psychedelics are just pisses me off. Psychedelics harm the human body in no way, whatsoever. People who are not mentally stable may have problems during their trip, but for those who are strong minded will have a life changing experience, for the better. No one has ever died from psychedelics alone. There are no reports or documents of a death from psychedelics. LSD can be potentially dangerous because you don't know the source of it and what is being added to it. As for DMT and mushrooms, and reliable LSD, there is no harm.

Psychedelics are the gateway to truth and understanding. If you have done no research and know nothing about them, don't even argue. There is no way of fully understanding something unless you research it yourself.

Sorry I write a lot haha :hump:

:peace: :joint:
Welcome! I too have suffered from depression and anxiety. I hate taking Rx for them. I hope that after I get my first harvest, I can cut those things out entirely and rely on Mother Nature to get me the meds I need! Good luck and welcome!
"Sorry I write a lot haha"

I am never one to give advice, but never apologize for writing. I thought that was a very clever post, and was well written. You have nothing at all to be "sorry" for.

I'm into psychedelic "drugs" as well. I'm mostly into stuff that occurs naturally. I would really love to do peyote. I have done mushrooms many times. I tried salvia a few times, but it wasn't for me. Haven't tried acid (yet), as I really don't know the source. I am thinking I might try 2CI. I'd like to learn more about that one first.

Good to have you on board. I hope you like to read, because I also write quite a bit (especially in subjects that interest me). I am going to go and smoke a bowl, and listen to some Bongzilla.

Keep on growing, and one day the US will be FORCED to reppeal marijuana laws. You can't make everyone in the country a "terrorist".

Yes, this is actually me in my avatar. He he.