Mighty Midget


Active Member
The Mighty Midget is resisting going back to flowering....but she is staying in that shed until those heads are golden brown!

The plant in full veg is doing very well....I can see now why some peopole put those cages around them....if she started to flower most of the outer branches would fall over.



Well-Known Member
Very nice looking plants. Bushy =] Keep growing those ladies right and you will have some nice size buds in your hands.


Active Member
Following advice from this forum, I started putting nutes onto the plant in the vegetative stage at quarter strength, giving the plant 2 weeks at that concentration before increasing it. Currently, that plant is getting nutes at 1.5x the manufacturer's reccomendation every day....and she is just eating it all up...new light green coloured shoots appearing every half a day or so.

The pot size will be the limiting factor as it is about 45 litres in capacity...about 10 gallons....but this makes it light and easy to move around...I did one in a 90 litre pot last year and it was a bugger to move.


Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
wow...Ive seriously been thinking about getting some of thos lowryders because of the climate and the short summers i endure in my area. I need a plant that finishes fast and has a decent yield. I would love it if you could help me through my planting process lots of buds.


Well-Known Member
Man those are looking awesome if i was 5 again i would be playing in that with my little lego men bongsmilie