Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

Just got home from jail... cops raided and pulled plants today, but hey when I got home my neighbors that I thought would be dissappointed came over and rolled me a joint.

Happy four twenty and keep growing everyone!!!...
So what happened? They watched you go into the store and then followed you home.?

I had a mule run to the hydro store and he was followed to another residence, NOT the grow house... they pulled him over and flashed there cards there... So I was very aware of the situation AND that being said I decided FCK IT and kept growing...
Soo over the course of the next 2 years the highway patrol had time to pick up my mule and follow him around...

Leaving a hydro store is not enough to really bust you... but it is enough to obtain a electric bill company summons... then when your bill algorythym looks just like the last ten ops they successfully busted they just sit back, team up with your local media and knock on your door

Hydro shop visit 2 years ago?! Hardly seems like enough grounds.. Fucked up..

Dont be naive
shit its all good man, Hakuna Matata!... Lawyer says Im just gonna get Probation...

I got family in Boulder, CO. and im thinkin bout transferring the probation out there and continuing to grow...

You still have a positive attitude, keep it! You have my best wishes in whatever you decide to do.
You still have a positive attitude, keep it! You have my best wishes in whatever you decide to do.

You are a real sweetheart, thanks...
I thought this would be a funny entry for the 420 picture competition at the 600... So I put it here too...

Heres my Ugly Ass Pissed off and Stoned as Hell...

You are a real sweetheart, thanks...
I thought this would be a funny entry for the 420 picture competition at the 600... So I put it here too...

Heres my Ugly Ass Pissed off and Stoned as Hell...


HOLY SHIT, weren't you on to catch a predator? (jk)
Police claimed hundreds of marijuana plants were seized throughout the Kansas City metro area on Wednesday, 4/20.

"when the cops came busting in at one man's door looking for cannabis, they found a tomato growing operation instead.... it turns out the Missouri Highway Patrol "monitors" stores that sell hydroponic growing equipment -- and they use those sales to track down illegal marijuana growing operations. That information -- couple with the asinine assumption that any customer at a hydroponics store must be involved in cannabis -- led them to the tomato farmer's door. Word on the street is that the cops didn't even make a dent in the weed supply."
