Been there & done that,i get crippling migranes to the point of vomiting,my worst lasted 11 days straight,after the 6th day i was seing shit like streamers & trailers of light,it wasnt good.
After years of trying Demerol,Morphine & all that other good shit my doc gave me STADOL NS,its the best shit ever for migranes,it's a nasal spray,each spray is equal to a 25mg Demerol injection & works within seconds.
There are 2 different metthods of using Stadol,the 1st method being injections which are primaraly used for pregnant women durring child birth,the other is the nasal spray,talk to your doctor about it,it's a life saver for me.
A word of caution though,the 1st time you take Stadol you'd better be at home.
Here ya go.
Drug Profile: STADOL®