Migrains n Demeroll


Well-Known Member
Well i didnt go to work today on account of i woke up throwing up :spew:with an unbearable headache......well after a shot of Demeroll(spelling) and a few bong hits......im feeling my old self again.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yea i still got a minor headache but i was seconds away from just crying my eyes out it was that bad.....so i went and got medicined up.


Well-Known Member
Yea i still got a minor headache but i was seconds away from just crying my eyes out it was that bad.....so i went and got medicined up.
I get them so bad but I have an rx for it...there would be no way I could drive some place to get some meds. It feels like someone is hitting you in the head with a sledge hammer...not to mention I actually see stuff like shapes...usually followed by throwing up.


Well-Known Member
Yea i get really dizzy and my face and fingeres went numb.....i went over to my neighbors house and had him drive me....he was like "How much fucking weed did you smoke?" haha


Well-Known Member
Been there & done that,i get crippling migranes to the point of vomiting,my worst lasted 11 days straight,after the 6th day i was seing shit like streamers & trailers of light,it wasnt good.

After years of trying Demerol,Morphine & all that other good shit my doc gave me STADOL NS,its the best shit ever for migranes,it's a nasal spray,each spray is equal to a 25mg Demerol injection & works within seconds.

There are 2 different metthods of using Stadol,the 1st method being injections which are primaraly used for pregnant women durring child birth,the other is the nasal spray,talk to your doctor about it,it's a life saver for me.

A word of caution though,the 1st time you take Stadol you'd better be at home.

Here ya go.

Drug Profile: STADOL®


Well-Known Member
Hahaha ya try like stoned times twenty with Stadol. That is some thing Ive had before. I had no clue they had nasal spray.
When my wife was having a child we were in the hospital & she asked for the pain shot after 10 hours labor,they ordered stadol,after about an hour waiting nobody came,i started bitchin & they gave me the usual line of how there are more important people being treated blah blah blah.

When the nurse came in to check my wifes labor progress i told her if they didnt come within the next 5 minutes i was giving her the stadol myself,she just looked at me funny till i wipped out a bottle of stadol from my pocket,then she knew i wasnt shittin.

She got the shot within minutes :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i had awful migraines most of my life - turned out to be lactose intollerant. try antihystemines and avoid milk and suger. have not had one in months, i just cannot touch chocolate, tho. perhaps its some other allergy.

everyone else blamed the herb. - idiots