Migro 240 Aray unboxing

Well I think one reason why a lot of people do it, is its easy to criticize something. You sit back and pick it apart. Adding something positive or constructive to the conversation is a lot harder. Could his light be better, absolutely, but he had it a point to mention on his video that its about value of the light. He wanted to make something decent for a decent price. I think he accomplished that.
there's just to many nerds doing the math. you can't fool em
the truth as Shane calls it is listed with all the other lights at about 2 mins and 30 seconds

I couldnt remember which video it was so thanks. Do i think someone should test his light, yeah. But we trust his numbers on the other boards that he puts up, why do we all of a sudden not trust his
there's just to many nerds doing the math. you can't fool em

I mean they make decent points about someone testing his light, but the way they go about it makes them look like assholes. We trust his numbers on all of the other lights that he reviews, why would we all of a sudden not trust the numbers he put out for his light. I know from watching his videos, that they are actually better lights out there then his, he knows this, we all know this, but for the price its a nice light. I would rather be able to put a light closer to a plant tbh. Less wasted light hitted the sides of the tent and more hits the canopy.

I dont know this all started after reading the assholes who hopped on his unboxing thread and fucked it all up with there criticism. cheers lol
I couldnt remember which video it was so thanks. Do i think someone should test his light, yeah. But we trust his numbers on the other boards that he puts up, why do we all of a sudden not trust his

I mean they make decent points about someone testing his light, but the way they go about it makes them look like assholes. We trust his numbers on all of the other lights that he reviews, why would we all of a sudden not trust the numbers he put out for his light. I know from watching his videos, that they are actually better lights out there then his, he knows this, we all know this, but for the price its a nice light. I would rather be able to put a light closer to a plant tbh. Less wasted light hitted the sides of the tent and more hits the canopy.

I dont know this all started after reading the assholes who hopped on his unboxing thread and fucked it all up with there criticism. cheers lol
guess we gotta wait for the numbers