Mile High Here

Hello everybody. New here. I'm From the Denver Co Area. The lovely place of Amendment 64. Been growing for a few years now with much success. Was your friendly neighborhood everyday weed smoker, But due to medical problems can not smoke at the moment. Been over a year now. But i'm not here to talk about all that yet, just didn't want to be a stranger. I guess it's just more of a hobby at the moment. Firm believer of the phrase "If you don't use it, you loose it". At least that's the case for me haha. Lots of questions and probably some interesting stories to share down the road. Just thought I would introduce myself. PM if you ever want to chat. SirSmokeAlot303


Hello and welcome fellow Coloradan and new member to RIU. It's too bad about your reaction to smoking but I like your attitude about growing; I just started growing myself and can understand how addictive it can be.