Military and Growing


Well-Known Member
Do you people re-read the shit you type afterwards? Move to Canada, give me a break. Easy for you to say, your not the one on the fence here. None of you sound like you have any military experience at all.
You fucking know nothing Wanker. 4 years as a volunteer In the British Army Incl Northern Ireland Service-thats Me. what about you Cockhead?


Well-Known Member
Is the airforce that bad? Ha. I have an uncle in it, really enjoys it from what I know. He's been in 12-14years not sure, but has been to japan, italy, korean and some other places.

The situtation i*m in though is that the case is taken care of. My step-dad is a cop, his dad is a cop, his grand-dad was a cop, and i*m in a small town. So its getting taken care of, but there is NO oppurtunity in this place. I*ve got to do something. Where this is heading is I was just curious about the militaries policies towards marijuana and growing. If anyone had done it or any other information.
You think they want PotHeads in the Airforce. Ha. A fucked up bitter little grunt is what you will be. Cannon fodder, sorry, IED victim.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I can say is that if you had thoughts of joining a the military, you probably would have entertained them before being arrested. Trying to avoid punishment is no reason to join. In fact, its a disgrace to those who are there simply to give there lives for a cause they believe in. Its an ounce man, you wont be going to jail. Take your parole, finish junior college, and if you want to go to another school, take out some student loans and go. Nothing in life is free, and the military pays for school because of what they take from you. For many people, thats a large price than they realize.
Yeah. Hear him.


Well-Known Member
You fucking know nothing Wanker. 4 years as a volunteer In the British Army Incl Northern Ireland Service-thats Me. what about you Cockhead?
And wtf do you knwo about the American Military? Not a godman thing thanks. No go fuck yourself.

Oh and bear in mind ol' chap scurry scurry flee flee I wasnt rubishing anyones posts.

And about me? Sorry you self important shit I wont lay out my military resume, but, I can guarantee it didnt include oppressing the Irish.


Well-Known Member
dude ! thats crazy that you still want to join the military and grow.Im and airforce brat, my father retired a sr.master sgt thats 30 years.He told me not to do that for a living,and when I lived on base theres know way you could have a garden.they all are pretty tight prabably get work farm or probation if you stay.something will come up for you just chill man and slap your buddy for us.


Well-Known Member
I am a military brat and i was in the Marines for a few years. I went to high school and graduated on a AFB in England. The Air Force is the best branch to be in. Their bases and assignments are the nicest and they treat you the best. You also have to score the highest on the ASFAB test to get in. If you do go into any branch of the military i would advise not to smoke or grow. They will lock you up. It is not like civilian law and i saw a lot of guys get busted and get courtmarshaled. They had to do some time and then get released with a dishonorable discharge and that was just for coming up dirty on a piss test. I could only imagine what they would do to you if they caught you growing. On base they have a branch of the military police called O.S.I which stands for office of special investigation and they are Federal agents that go under cover on all parts of the base that look for people to bust for doing drugs and other crimes on base. In my high school just before i got there a OSI agent who was under cover posing as a student had busted 60 student. They were all shipped back state side without there parents. If you are a dependent you can do what ever you want off base and they can't touch you but as soon a you go on base and do something and get caught, your ass is theirs. It is not a very good idea to party and be enlisted in the military because if you get busted you will do some time and have a record that will follow you around the rest of your life.


Well-Known Member
Your military experience is like your IQ- Fucking zero Now piss off. Go and learn how to spell.
Shit, may not be able to spell that great this early in the AM but at least my solution to any problem isnt scurry scurry flee flee, cherio bitch.


Well-Known Member
Only in the US - "You were growing weed so were sending you away to fight for uncle sam"

I like the option of community service better.

It sucks you got done. And it sucks your going to military. I feel for you man. This would be a hard time for you..

Hope shit works out, BBE.


New Member
We'll see how smart he is. Only an idiot would choose IED patrol in Bagdad.
Our military is strictly voluntary. Many who volunteer are put on patrol in Baghdad. So, in your estimation Med ... are the troops on patrol in Baghdad a bunch of idiots?

Just wondering, because all along here in the forum you've stated that you "hate the war but support the troops." I believed you ... please don't say your were being a typical libbie and lying about that support the entire time. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Our military is strictly voluntary. Many who volunteer are put on patrol in Baghdad. So, in your estimation Med ... are the troops on patrol in Baghdad a bunch of idiots?

Just wondering, because all along here in the forum you've stated that you "hate the war but support the troops." I believed you ... please don't say your were being a typical libbie and lying about that support the entire time. :blsmoke:

Anyone who goes to Baghdad to escape a misdemeanor marijuana possesion charge is an idiot. Get it?:blsmoke: