Active Member
Square pots are better IMO because you don't lose light/area between the pots like you do when using circular pots. Regardless of the fact that most bona-fide milk crates explicitly state on the sides that it is a violation of state/federal law to possess them, almost everyone has a few kicking around. Well, it just so happens that a standard milk crate's dimensions are roughly: 11"x11"x13" - close enough to a cubic foot, roughly 7 gallons of space! I find that this space is the perfect size to grow cannabis in. To prepare, just place a kitchen trash bag inside the crate and fill with soil/medium, plant the bitch - and there ya go! Works for me, hope you like it to.
BEFORE SOMEONE STARTS BITCHING: use BLACK trash bags if you want, BUT white work, with no issues, I know FROM EXPERIENCE.
BEFORE SOMEONE STARTS BITCHING: use BLACK trash bags if you want, BUT white work, with no issues, I know FROM EXPERIENCE.