Million Dollar Question


Well-Known Member
Who invented racism and why. Seems like we have been fighting this thing called racism since the establishment of this nation, WHY ??
Looking now at how we have groups of people claiming to be superior over another in the year of 2017, racism seems to be alive and well, be it institutional or ideological ..again WHY ??
Lets discuss
Who invented racism and why ?
Who invented racism and why. Seems like we have been fighting this thing called racism since the establishment of this nation, WHY ??
Looking now at how we have groups of people claiming to be superior over another in the year of 2017, racism seems to be alive and well, be it institutional or ideological ..again WHY ??
Lets discuss
Who invented racism and why ?

I believe it all started with fear.
Who invented racism and why. Seems like we have been fighting this thing called racism since the establishment of this nation, WHY ??
Looking now at how we have groups of people claiming to be superior over another in the year of 2017, racism seems to be alive and well, be it institutional or ideological ..again WHY ??
Lets discuss
Who invented racism and why ?

Incubated in fear of the other eons ago and alive and well today through indoctrination.
hmmmm interesting thoughts on all.
Lets see if we can go with the start and then the reasoning.
Can anyone point a time when racism existed BEFORE capitalism and the slave trade ?

I hate to say this, but we need to get this out of the way: what is our working definition of racism?
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Belief in superiority is exactly why I don't believe brown people can be racists (especially, but not limited to the USA). Only white people seem to think they're holding the superiority card. Brown people don't think they're superior, they distrust white people with cause.

How about a power differential? Political & economic. Is that a required component?
Belief in superiority is exactly why I don't believe brown people can be racists (especially, but not limited to the USA). Only white people seem to think they're holding the superiority card. Brown people don't think they're superior, they distrust white people with cause.

How about a power differential? Political & economic. Is that a required component?
YES...racism would mean very little without it. Part of institutional racism
Racism is just another branch of Tribalism and is exploited by people that seek power and control through fear. They are different so you must fear them and they are the cause of all your problems, sound familiar.
Apparently none here are well versed in history. Not only whites are racist. Look at slavery throughout history. Many nationalities all throughout history have enslaved other races and nationalities. To limit the discussion to whites only, and the go so far as to say it's impossible for brown, black, yellow, or even red races to exhibit racism is ludicrous.
Apparently none here are well versed in history. Not only whites are racist. Look at slavery throughout history. Many nationalities all throughout history have enslaved other races and nationalities. To limit the discussion to whites only, and the go so far as to say it's impossible for brown, black, yellow, or even red races to exhibit racism is ludicrous.
Silly rabbit you confused racism with only slavery.
Rome and the Greeks had slaves. Guess was not about race.
We speaking on hating another because of the color of skin.The thinking one is better than the other based on skin color.
SO you were saying ? Let me ask the question again
Who invented racism and why. Notice I did not say who invented slavery that could be another thread.
YES...racism would mean very little without it. Part of institutional racism

Not your original question, but we did answer another one by breaking the definition down: why is reverse racism a laughable impossibility?

I do not know (or believe I know) the answer to your question, but I'm interested in where this goes.

Great question, actually.
Apparently none here are well versed in history. Not only whites are racist. Look at slavery throughout history. Many nationalities all throughout history have enslaved other races and nationalities. To limit the discussion to whites only, and the go so far as to say it's impossible for brown, black, yellow, or even red races to exhibit racism is ludicrous.

You do not understand the working definition of racism we've already established here.
Are you saying that racism plays no part in slavery? That slavery is as completely separate issue? Surely racism must be present to so completely dehumanize an individual that they are treated as goods and chattel. I guess another way to try to say what I mean is this: Would slavery exist without racism?