Millions of bugs in indoor soil!!! Help!!


Well-Known Member
OMG 1 MONTH INTO FLOWER!! 400 watt hps, FOX FARMS OCEAN FOREST ( i let it dry out before potting). I LOOK IN MY soil and theres millions and millions of tiny little black or brown bug/beetle things... they might not be beetle idk.. TINY!! LOTS OF BUGS!!! ARE THEY BAD? WHAT ARE THEY? POSITIVE THEY ARE NOT GNATS!


Well-Known Member
idk tryn put a thick layer of sand on top of the soil like peope do for knats i dont know wat exactly u got so,......?


are they on your plant, or just in the soil? I have them too-- I saw a few light brown bugs in the soil and they seem to only come out after watering. If you used a soil that has peat moss or another moisture rich additive, I've heard its the perfect environment for them. If your plant seems unaffected thus far, try thoroughtly wetting the soil, then adding an inch of sand, this is what I've been told anyway. However, if there is damage from the little fuckers feasting on the roots (which was my main concern) you need to act fast! Perhaps looking into specific insects, such as lady bugs for example, who feast on other bugs (mainly aphids, but you get the point). I would also try adding perlite to the soil, help air it out a bit. As a last resort, you may have to re-plant.

Not sure if any of that helps... I'm no expert by any means, just repeating what I've heard here and there, and trying to end up with something that makes sense. haha

Good Luck!


Active Member
Only one thing to do man and you need to go buy some of this ASAP if you want any chance of saving those plants. Go buy a product called Diatomaceous Earth. Put that shit on the top of your soil and you will kill all those fuckers naturally.


Active Member
Hey Dude--

The "Diatomaceous Earth" stuff is organic/natural? And which stores carry it?

Thankx :)
Hell yeah its all natural. It is made from fossils. The shit is the best stuff to use on top of yer soil to kill insects and shit.

Try your local garden center, or hydro stores.


Active Member
OMG 1 MONTH INTO FLOWER!! 400 watt hps, FOX FARMS OCEAN FOREST ( i let it dry out before potting). I LOOK IN MY soil and theres millions and millions of tiny little black or brown bug/beetle things... they might not be beetle idk.. TINY!! LOTS OF BUGS!!! ARE THEY BAD? WHAT ARE THEY? POSITIVE THEY ARE NOT GNATS!
do they look like little black microscopic worms wit a bunch of legs on them and there are tonz of them coming out of the soil


Active Member
are they on your plant, or just in the soil? I have them too-- I saw a few light brown bugs in the soil and they seem to only come out after watering. If you used a soil that has peat moss or another moisture rich additive, I've heard its the perfect environment for them. If your plant seems unaffected thus far, try thoroughtly wetting the soil, then adding an inch of sand, this is what I've been told anyway. However, if there is damage from the little fuckers feasting on the roots (which was my main concern) you need to act fast! Perhaps looking into specific insects, such as lady bugs for example, who feast on other bugs (mainly aphids, but you get the point). I would also try adding perlite to the soil, help air it out a bit. As a last resort, you may have to re-plant.

Not sure if any of that helps... I'm no expert by any means, just repeating what I've heard here and there, and trying to end up with something that makes sense. haha

Good Luck!
i bought some tree green fruit tree spray and its killing them but more just keep coming out of the soil but still its killing those little basterds, my chocolate chunck plant is to beatufill looking to let it go to these war they want then war they will get...! There sure alot of them