Didn’t you already have a bug problem before adding the soil?
I live on the east coast and have never gotten an infested bag (knock on wood). I read here or elsewhere that it’s a good idea to test the soil by putting some well moistened soil in a sealed jar with the idea that if there are critters, you’ll see them in the jar after some hours. Testing a new batch of soil this way right now.
I use fox farm soils, and yes they contain gnats. Basically all organic bagged soils will. There's decomposing organic matter in soil, so it's a magnet for fungus gnats.I know this is an old thread, though someone “liked” my comment the other day, maybe a scrolling error, but I felt I better amend the statement from a year ago: I am dealing with gnats right now and have been for several months, and it seems pretty likely they came in some bags of fox farm over the summer or early in the summer. This is when the bags are stored outside at many places, which likely doesn’t help. Anyway, I’m going to keep using Fox farm, probably, at least for now. But, yeah, soil can be a source of gnats. I’m sure this isn’t unique to fox farm. Luckily, while they are pests, they haven’t seemed to have any impact of the grows, other than adding my need to keep after them with a variety of tactics. Thanks.
I use fox farm soils, and yes they contain gnats. Basically all organic bagged soils will. There's decomposing organic matter in soil, so it's a magnet for fungus gnats.
Ive found the best method for controlling fungus gnats, is not to keep soil overly saturated. I still get a couple fliers, but they're nothing compared to what I used to get.