Milwaukee riots

Easy to point fingers.....I can't wait until Hillary wins and next year when Assault Weapons are banned and see how the redneck right wing nut jobs act when they start taking them away!

2017 is going to be fun I tell ya!
Won't stop black people with pistols from getting killed by police...
He was running away and you are going to shoot em.......typical.

And if I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead. ;)

God I love military training lol!
Show me a video of him just running away then and you wish you could kill me too bad you will have to shoot my dogs first. :)
I would shoot you before you had a chance to point a gun at me personally.

Ding, ding, ding and we have a winner! These chuckleheads think that cops have to wait to be fired upon before they can fire. I don't think anyone other than officials, know much of the details of this incident, but that's no reason to delay a good riot. Let's burn some shit down and then sort out the details.
Easy to point fingers.....I can't wait until Hillary wins and next year when Assault Weapons are banned and see how the redneck right wing nut jobs act when they start taking them away!

2017 is going to be fun I tell ya!
You know this will never happen.. I want Hillary to win.. But thinking all assault weapons will be taken is ridiculous.. Look up 80% AR lowers.. And that's legal. Fully functional AR with no serial #.
But I'm still here, and still as successful as ever.

Then there you have it. If they could just be like you instead of being shot dead by police for gun toting crimes and thug life, improvement might follow.

But it`s back to school shopping month and even though it was a good shoot, it`s time to loot.
Then, Why are all those,..."just like me`s" carrying guns ? What`s in the Calibre anyway ?
Exactly like me. The crooked cops don't ask about my level of education or what's in my bank account when they stop me. All they see is black. BTW, I missed you and all of your excuses over in the Baltimore thread.