Mind blowing sex.


Well-Known Member
..as you get older, you learn better the rythms and how to touch, how to feel and respond..

how to let go and forget anything but the sex.

and also how to ask and listen.

sure there is something more but i forget.
You also figure out where the g-spot is.

Well, some of us do anyway.


Well-Known Member
i understand all of that dude, trust me, i have a wealth of experience for my young age, well at least i think im young, 26... that is why i asked, what is old, i did not ask so you could get your blood pressure up, that was a joke man.

real old or just think old?

real old

"fuck, do i need to oil the door or was that my knees?"

think old

"fucking kids, yadayada, old times best!"

older is just an expression of time having passed dude ;) a time in which to gather experience.


Well-Known Member
If you were at Woodstock your OLD, if it's too loud, your OLD, if you haven't seen your dick in years your old and fat and likely bald too. The sex better be fucking outstanding as that is all us guys got to look forward to when we get old.
