Cool. Are you doing 24hr dark period and then going 12/12?
Hi Steve!
Welcome to my garden!
I just switched straight from 24/0 to 12/12.
Do you have anything in place for odour control?
No not yet, but I will be using the DIY filter posted by another member (thanks ZEN!), here is the link...
Well, Cheers!

I just got back from the lighting store with a bag full of goodies!!!
I got 3 CFLs, 9 watts, 550 lumens each, 2700k.

I also got the 35 watt High Pressure Sodium (2025 lumens, 1900k), ballast, ignitor and a socket.

I think the girls will like it!
After a little fumbling with the wires I got it running, though it is not a permanent instalation.
I used a 10.5" clamp light as a reflector, but I think I can get it set up a little better yet...
The temperatures have been ok, the reservoir is still at 58F/14C, but the air around the plants is now at 71F/21C. I think they will be fine!
I also made a stop at the grow shop... hehehe...
I managed to walk out of there with only one thing... BLOOM JUICE !!!
So, later this week I will flush the tank and get a batch of nutes Ph'd for the girls...
Here are some pics of the new lights... kinda thrown together in a minute... I'll get it looking a little better...
Till next time...
Be Well...