Just a quick question, if you were going to almost completely redo the aerogarden...why didnt you just buy a tupperware bin, an air pump, and a few airstones along with a couple cfl's. Not saying the aerogarden isnt going to work but I bet youd get better results with a simple tupperware bin and air stones. Also youd save half your money and I bet it wouldnt take any longer to build than the mods to the aerogarden took.
I totally understand where you are coming from with this question... and I agree with the general thought that you can do the same or better, cheaper and just as easy as the Aerogarden...
But with all that in mind, I would like to share a different perspective on the subject....
In my case it was 99% convenience... I have made several trips to the operating room this year, treating an extreme leg fracture, and walking down the isles of HD or WM looking for stuff... even with their little cart was an impossibility...
I sent a cab driver with money over to the feed store nearby my hotel, and he came back with it... no way I could have given him a list to WM...
On top of that, it wasn't until I started with the Aerogarden that some of the "magik" disappeared... I have grown before, outdoors, in big fields, but hydroponics... AEROPONICS... that's like...scientific, futuristic, geek stuff...
I knew ZERO about it, and that same afternoon I had my clones "installed" and as happy as they are today...
Knowing what I know today, would I do it again??? No Way!!!!
Knowing what I knew then, would I??? For sure!!!!
Why? you must be asking....
Because then I didn't know it could be done so simply... call it Ignorance...
But I didn't know and it has helped me learn soooo much, it has more than paid for itself.... would the tupperware be a better deal..? YES and it would pay for itself even sooner... but that doesn't make the AG a bad investment... just a slower one to give you returns...
If you could reach every noob and tell them to get a plastic container and airstone, I would give you props.... but since no one can... it is great that there is such a product out there, to encourage people that would otherwise not even attempt...
Is it a tool for an experienced grower? NOOOO.... it's a toy with which to learn in...
Some are fortunate to have access to more information than others...
But my AG has been an education, and there is no price on that...
I don't regret it at all...
I do tell people interested in the AG that they can do it for less money, but some insist on the "product" appearance of the AG... something they can have on their counter top without it being a plastic bin with some tape...
You know how it goes... opinions... preferences.... but I agree, no questions, you CAN HAVE THE SAME OR BETTER RESULTS FOR WAY LESS MONEY THAN THE AEROGARDEN... but there is a convenience aspect for many many users...
Uh...!?!? How's that for an answer...???
I really hope I didn't sound stand-offish or rude, that was really not what I intended... I worked out hard at physical therapy today and now I am high as kite...wooooouuuww...
Anyway... Thanks for playing...!!!
Be Well...

Ps. I have added a couple of shots of my "newly overhauled" leg....