Update: added foil to walls of box, it's better than nothing. Added heat mat on floor because it's been cold lately. Also threw in some tomato seeds in there so I can start them outside when it warms up. CBD Kush still hasn't germinated, so I guess they didn't make it. Last time I tried to grow this strain, they popped out of the soil in a a day and a half. I'll leave them in and pray they decide to pop out.
You gotta remember too that usually the older the seed is the longer it can take to germinate so it could still be coming, just fresh seeds pop that fast since the outer shell hasn't aged/dried enough to be super hard yet.
It's kinda funny that you say that though about the foil, I've heard many times foil is one of the worst things you can use because of how crinkled it gets so it doesn't evenly reflect light and can either direct it away from plants at weird angles or focus it too much in one place and make a hot spot. If you aren't able to just get some standard black/white poly, another thing you can try that should be better that I also considered doing is using foam board. Most dollar stores I've been too sell white foam board usually 20" x 30" for $1 each and you can just hot glue it to make walls/reflector whatever. Unlike foil it's perfectly smooth, I decided to just stick with the plastic since I have it and its totally moisture proof, I believe the foam board has a paper layer on the surface it but should still be fine as long as you don't directly soak it.
Did your seeds split at all before going in soil? I've sometimes taken seeds back out and very carefully scratched/scraped the seam to encourage them to split open.
I'm a big supporter of regular seed and keeping the full genetics, once you feminize you lose 50% of the genes (Y chromosome) and drastically decrease the plants ability to evolve and combat diseases and you could lose the strain entirely in the long term(like the issues now with the banana trees). I much prefer to just sex my plants and then take clones from a mother but that's something you can't easily do with an auto flower either. There's lots of pros and cons but its also a known issue that feminized seeds if stressed can turn into hermaphrodites and pollinate your entire grow without you realizing it among other things. There's more detail to the argument for male plants but I'll leave it at that, just wanted to throw my opinion out there for your consideration.
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