Mini-fridge grow 250wCFL


Well-Known Member
First time grower,long time smoker. So I got my hands on a few White Widow seeds a while back and finally got my grow room set up. This will be my experiment. And if all goes well I'll be getting a bigger set up.

This is just day 1 so have some patience I will be taking lots of pics throughout the whole process. Considering thus is my first time I want to document the whole experience, so I have something to look back on.

Questions, comments and critiques are welcomed.

Day 1
2 White Widow seeds have opened up and are now under a plastic dome to help the humidity level rise during the first few days or so.20160417_163715.jpg20160417_163700.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice setup. Did you use the fan already connected to the fridge as an intake or outtake fan? I'm Sub'd to see how it works out for you.
When I completely gutted the fridge there was a small shelf 5" deep 9" tall so I cut it out and flipped it to make a bigger area inside the fridge. I haven't cut any intake or exhaust vents yet. I figure I got a couple weeks before smell is an issue. (If i decide to) It's in the back of my closet and my room smells like weed anyway. Lol and being I'm only growing 2 plants right now I probably won't worry to much about venting anyhow......the temp has stayed between 80 and 85. And humidity about 40% the small computer fan seems to be helping by moving the air around so right now I THINK I'm good. But only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Morning of DAY 3 and the widows are slowly doing what they do. Not much to report right now. Just keeping this thread up to date. I think they are taking a bit longer to crest over the too because when I went to stick them in the cubes they slid about half way down.




Well-Known Member
20160420_161416.jpg 20160420_161408.jpg So it would appear that once the fridge is completely closed and sealed up the temp gets to the high 90's so I'll be cutting a few vent holes in the next day or so.(Really should have done this sooner but live and learn) But in the 9hrs I was at work one of the widows decided to springboard out of the rock wool cube. The other still has the seed shell on it.


Well-Known Member
So I haven't posted in about 3 weeks sorry about that but due to 2 failed attempts at a hydro grow. I have changed over to soil. I quickly found out that you kinda don't have much wiggle room with the process. So with the soil grow these little ones are about 3 days after sprouting. 18/6 light schedule. No nutrients at the moment. I would like some input on when to start adding some.
1st and 2nd plant is unknown strain
3rd plant is white widow
And the temp stay pretty steady +/- 5° and around 70°-74°F at lights off
Humidity stays steady as well +/- 5%

Any advice is much appreciated

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Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
When the cotyledons start turning yellowish and dying off, that's when I start feeding since I know the plants hungry.

Good luck on this run. Soil is more forgiving.


Well-Known Member
What breeders is the White Widow seed from?
I asked my friend (the guy who gave me the seeds) he said he don't remember where he got them, but he said they are white widow for sure. So I'm just taking his word for it. I wish he knew though...


Well-Known Member
I really wish I knew what strain this one is.... it is growing way quicker than the other 2. I am pretty certain that it is some good quality. I always keep any good seeds I get but the bud has to be really good for me to keep the seeds. 20160514_122639.jpg


Well-Known Member
20160518_063045.jpg 20160518_000311.jpg 20160518_000347.jpg 20160518_000214.jpg 20160518_000207.jpg 20160518_000649.jpgI have a couple questions. First why are a couple stems purple? 2nd is the mylar square on top of the cup a good idea or no? When is the best time to clone? And lastly in the first photo what is the growth growing by the main stem next to the purple stem

Fishy Buds

And lastly in the first photo what is the growth growing by the main stem next to the purple stem
Kinda looks like some of the seed coat still attached to the cotyledon to me causing maybe some of the tissue underneath some issues? Hard to tell from where I'm looking if anything else is going on.

The Mylar should be fine just always watch out when using metal halide or HPS for hot spots from reflection.

Purple stems can be from a number of reasons. Cold temperature, genetics, nutrient deficiency, etc. I'm only seeing purple petioles on your first plant picture so I wouldn't be concerned unless the stems start to get a lot of purple and the leaves start to show damage. The deficiencies which cause purple/red stems can range from (in my experience) nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and/or magnesium.