minifridge grow w/ pics cfl 12/12 grow


Well-Known Member
So i have been growing 2 plants 12/12 from seed after seeing alot of realy talented growers pulling it off with great results. so i did some resurch and came up with my current setup. - 15"Wx30"Hx12"D nucool mini fridge
- 3 42watt 2700 cfl + 2 20watt 6500 cfl
- 12/12 light from birth
- ffof soil
- ff big bloom + tiger bloom
:fire: i thought it was a pritty crafty setup, and i do need it to be stelth roommates don't know i rock the gonja.. i just want to throw up som pics and see what you all at RIU think. the pic is 40 days from seed!:bigjoint:

p.s. oh this is my 2nd grow so as much info as you have wold be awsome thanx:joint:



Well-Known Member
looks like you are doing a great job, i can tell you that thc bomb is a good plant to grow 12-12 from seed. had 1 went to 5 oz wet under enviro.


Well-Known Member
ok an update is in order sorry for the wait. ok im at day 61 and about 2 weeks from harvest:eyesmoke: and the girls ar lookin great. smells very sweet and tasty:weed:
so here is a couple of pics i just took about an hour ago, wold have been sooner but my computer is a pos:wall: lol. please tell me what you all at riu think.



Well-Known Member
looks great man. ive been wantingto grow again but no space or money or anything available i cant:( and ive grown before so its killin me. i love the set up it pretty nice. how big is the minifridge? and the buds look amazing no doubt great job:)


Well-Known Member
the fride is about 2.5 sq. feet 1x1.5x2 feet is the dementions. i feel you on the no money seems to be a common problom these days lol ill prob have harvest pics up when i chop um down:leaf: i recently found a 150w hps im going o put in there for like 25.00 bucks, so life is good at the moment lol


Well-Known Member
lol ya i can deal with the heat from a 150w hps in the small space.(made sure of that befor i bought it) as it is i have to turn of the vent fans to get any heat in there with 3 huge cfl's,and 2 smaller ones, it only ever gets to about 70 degrees in there and drops to about 65 66 when i turn the fans on and thats my room temp so im thinkin im good


Active Member
like 8-12 inches... which is why i believe the thread starter should buy some bigger cfls. i bought 2 105 watt cfls from ebay for like 60 bucks shipped and they run super cool as long as air is flowing over them the plants can be 1-2inches away


Well-Known Member
dude thats awesome. i was thinking about making a wood grow brox 2x2x3 or something like that gettin some fans and going cfl and seein what happens. but of course when i get the moolah. man where did you get that hps for that cheap from?


Well-Known Member
the plants are just bagseed, i got the hps as a security flood light from a old meatle wearhouse that was being torn down and sold for parts, lol. good at electrical work so figured id give it a try. and i was thinking of getting 2 105 watt cfl's instead (accually i think i posted about doing that) but i decided not to after i saw a grow setup a friend of mine has, his plants were like 3 inch away from a 150w hps in a cooltub. i about shit when i saw lol so now thats what im thinkin of doing. dont got the setup running cuz i got to finish these two girls but i will start a jurnal for the next grow


Well-Known Member
damn that was pretty lucky. it was meant to be you were meant to grow weed lol. dude im pretty jealous and excited to see you finish your grow man. and shit when you start up that 150w hps grow let me know what your going to call it ill follow it


Active Member
that set up looks awesome i was thinking of growing in a mim fridge but atm im allowed to grow in my house so getting a proper grow light and everything but i will def do sumin like that wjem im in uni and have to keep it on the sly great set up man and the plant looks sweet too good luck


Well-Known Member
subbd up homie! lookin nice, i was thinkin about doin a mini fridge grow...but im not too good when it comes to eletrical wiring :)


Well-Known Member
ya thats the one thing i dont know how to do either is wiring for the pc fans i wish someone would put a post how to well someone probably did but i wish there would be a new one with pictures you know? i know alot of people would look at it and learn something from it