Well-Known Member
what the fuck does homosexuality have to do with minimum wage?
Good question. Enlighten us, there, daddy's-boy.
what the fuck does homosexuality have to do with minimum wage?
My life was compromised more times than I care to think about.
If you were "highly skilled" you don't need any programs.
I see people in my town who earn more than enough to live well getting assistance, a caseworker and free food each month.
You are a simpleton. Black and white. Do skills repair disease turbo? could you afford 2200 extra per month out of the blue......for life??????
another self made republican drowned in a sea of welfare queens.
the plight continues.
He's sensitive about the word queen. His family would never say such "shit".
he has a long history with homosexual ideation towards me.
The point is 12.50/hr wasn't a great wage at 18 so I took the opportunity to up-skill and seek further education relevant to my field. You work for something hard enough, you'll achieve those goals.i'm not sure you're trying to make any point here.
you can live like a decent human being without government assistance in most places in the US on 10.10.*
some people are happy to live week to week, some want to earn more and do, some want to earn more and can't.
12.50 an hour would be a great wage for any person to live on very comfortably outside of the bay area, LA, NYC, or other very sought after pieces of real estate.
i told kynes the other day that he should take his low wage ass up to oregon and rent a damn farm. there are lots around here, some places will even pay you to look after acreage.
google "80% for $10.10 indexed to cost of living", you lazy welfare rat.
The point is 12.50/hr wasn't a great wage at 18 so I took the opportunity to up-skill and seek further education relevant to my field. You work for something hard enough, you'll achieve those goals.
You never mentioned life threatening illness.
We were talking about jobs.
False. Minimum wage in CA is currently $8.00 an hour. What kind of education did you pay for while earning $8.00 an hour?
he has a long history with homosexual ideation towards me.
can you cite where I stated minimum wage in CA is $12.50/hr? Do you even know what the fuck you're talking about?
I'm only pointing out, you are a daddies boy who was paid $4 more than what most minimum wage employees are paid, and are talking shit about how those people can "live" are detrimental to the argument. You've never "beenthere". Ha. I tickled myself with that one......
we all can't be convicted felons, who neglect their dying mothers... Would you like to be my internet friend?
LOL, Here we go with personal attacks.
I'm sure you would be a good customer to any budget homo operation.
`did I miss a dying mom? Is it a joke? I need a translation.
And programs remember? Disability is a need I have not a settle, or welfare, or my entitlement. This is the time and place when you can agree with a govt program without being abandoned. This is the reason I make 150.
If someone is that sick, yes, we should take care of them as a society.