Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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what kind of dog and what are his/her symptoms?

Pit-mix. She is just submissive, cowardly, needy, and the main thing is when I move suddenly toward her she seems scared but is getting a lot better. It is a gut feeling and I see sadness in her eyes. I don't know if that sounds odd but it is what it is. Any tips maybe?
Pit-mix. She is just submissive, cowardly, needy, and the main thing is when I move suddenly toward her she seems scared but is getting a lot better. It is a gut feeling and I see sadness in her eyes. I don't know if that sounds odd but it is what it is. Any tips maybe?

It's all in your facial expressions. Show dominance, but try and focus on the ground rather than her face. Let her sit next to you in EVERY spot you will be sitting in. Make her an equal. Be slow when showing dominance.... Like, when picking a spot on the couch, sit with confidence, then look at her, like you are confused as to why she isn't sitting next to you. She will understand, almost RIGHT away. My mom used to train golden-retrievers for the disabled. I saved my girl from a fucked up family that used to leave her outside in -10 cold, on top of beating the shit out of her. She has a low tolerance for bullshit anymore. What a good girl though.
It's all in your facial expressions. Show dominance, but try and focus on the ground rather than her face. Let her sit next to you in EVERY spot you will be sitting in. Make her an equal. Be slow when showing dominance.... Like, when picking a spot on the couch, sit with confidence, then look at her, like you are confused as to why she isn't sitting next to her. She will understand, almost RIGHT away. My mom used to train golden-retrievers for the disabled. I saved my girl from a fucked up family that used to leave her outside in -10 cold, on top of beating the shit out of her. She has a low tolerance for bullshit anymore. What a good girl though.
Thanks, I have a Rhodesian ridgeback that was professionally trained thus I was too. I actually need a seizure dog and just cant swing it right now.
Thanks, I have a Rhodesian ridgeback that was professionally trained thus I was too. I actually need a seizure dog and just cant swing it right now.

PM me. I have some contacts you'll want. Specifically in the CA area, but some others across the country, if needed.
Does that kind of work help you as well.....make you feel a lasting gratification....It does for me.

Absolutely, in every aspect of my life. From personal to professional. It has given me an awesome and sometimes not seen view of what life is like in a pack of dogs. I've got six here at the moment, 2 former rescues, 2 current rescues and 2 dogs my girlfriend and I had, respectively, before we met. The social interactions are particularly intricate to watch - and the entertainment, never ending. If nothing else the sheer joy a happy dog can bring your life is worth it - everyone should get to experience it and that quality of life is no different for a dog. they deserve and should expect it - but I suppose that's also what makes dogs so special; they expect nothing.
Absolutely, in every aspect of my life. From personal to professional. It has given me an awesome and sometimes not seen view of what life is like in a pack of dogs. I've got six here at the moment, 2 former rescues, 2 current rescues and 2 dogs my girlfriend and I had, respectively, before we met. The social interactions are particularly intricate to watch - and the entertainment, never ending. If nothing else the sheer joy a happy dog can bring your life is worth it - everyone should get to experience it and that quality of life is no different for a dog. they deserve and should expect it - but I suppose that's also what makes dogs so special; they expect nothing.
I lived with a girlfriend years back who had a pug and I cant imagine six......that is worth a living wage....kidding
Burgertime - I gotta have something to eat but I will come back to you re: your dogs, I do have some advice you may find useful
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