Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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so, to demonstrate bucky's infallibility, and to PROVE that you can find an ad for a job which pays minimum wage ($7.25), you copy/pasted an entire craigslist ad for a job which pays....

wait for it...


Protip: $7.79/hour is more than the federal minimum wage.

Gnarly one (nice). It totally reminded me of this one - mmmmm heroin/chocolate:
so, to demonstrate bucky's infallibility, and to PROVE that you can find an ad for a job which pays minimum wage ($7.25), you copy/pasted an entire craigslist ad for a job which pays....

wait for it...


Protip: $7.79/hour is more than the federal minimum wage.
Not to intentionally shit on anyone, but, CA is paying $8.00 atm. Just saying...
Funny how Miss KKKynes and others don't get that when they try to "get" someone with the fact no job is paying minimum wage, that in fact they are further driving home the point that the minimum wage needs to be raised. While their other face is screaming we should do away with minimum wage altogether because it's hindering "job creators" ability to create jobs. Which we all know is complete and total bullshit.
Funny how Miss KKKynes and others don't get that when they try to "get" someone with the fact no job is paying minimum wage, that in fact they are further driving home the point that the minimum wage needs to be raised. While their other face is screaming we should do away with minimum wage altogether because it's hindering "job creators" ability to create jobs. Which we all know is complete and total bullshit.

Whoop just checked back in..hope that was the first time I was referenced
Yea it is still more and it pays tips

I wasn't trying to say minimum wage didn't exist lol..just that I didn't know where and they only make up a very small percent...I checked out of the 100 listings on the first page and only 2 actually payed minimum wage with no tips and not including part time holiday labor..I mean an actual job-permanent out of those 2 one was really it was just a lone assembly line gig a couple hours outside town

All I was saying is most people at least in Austin make well above the minimum wage.....there was no point in there, I have no clue what would happen if it raised or lowered and the ramifications of it...nor do I care....just seemed odd to me, maybe not that its such a big deal but that so many seemingly intelligent people are debating it(something)..I didn't read this thread in all honesty....
why do the businesses have to do any of that shit, does the govt. have a pistol to their head and force them to do this shit, I think not, ooooh the poor business owner.
and not a one of those things was created by the evil nasty "Rich Community" you love to hate.

it was all created BY GOVERNMENT, and yes actually, the government DOES have a gun, and DOES love pointing it at peoples' (and businesses') heads.

Did you get a business degree, or economics degree, you do know they are two totally different degrees right?
apparently, if you are the exemplar, getting ANY degree would ensure that i cannot understand these SIMPLE PRINCIPLES like how supply and demand combine to set the prices of goods and labour, or how selling shit for less than it costs to produce causes failure.

yet you act like they teach the same thing.
clearly economics degrees do not teach one how to balance a budget or pay off debts, or turn capital into profit, so obviously they are not the same thing.
perhaps you could now explain the difference between an physics degree and a political science degree, cus they are both science right?

If you have all the answers to become rich and powerful and the most successful man on earth, why haven't you yet?
like all lefties you forget the most important elements in any business:
i have not had much Luck, or Capital, and thus the few Opportunities which came my way slipped through my fingers.
everybody cant be a winner, but i dont blame the successful for their success.
i am not that petty.

Do you know how ridiculous you sound spewing this garbage on a weed forum where 95% of the people on hear are the same people you call useless and lazy.
are you able bodied?
are you on the dole?
are you NOT looking for a job?

if you answered yes to these questions then yes, you ARE worthless, and lazy, and no, "95%" of the people on this forum are NOT worthless schlumps whimpering about how they DESERVE more.

You have too much time on your hands, does being successful and rich like you say you are, automatically make you a tool?

when did i ever say i am successful?


im broke like a joke, and supplement my income by selling produce at the farmer's market. teh fux you smoking?

but I WORK for what i get, i dont just expect somebody else to give it to me.

sounds like the business owners are getting more handouts than the poverty stricken.
handouts like confiscatory taxation, regualtory burdens the encourage them to take their business elsewhere? government assholes shaking them like a money tree then telling them to piss off?

yeah. i bet you can spot the companies that do VERY well from the government teat, like Barry Seotoro's good buddies at GE, Solyndra, AIG, Goldman Sachs, GM and Daimler, but most companies have to bite the pillow as government goes up in 'em dry, and government doesnt even leave cab fare on the nightstand.

you just made yourself the fool dipshit.
yeah but that job is in florida, which like calif has a higher minimum wage than the federal minimum.

just not quite as high as calif.


No sense in telling the poor bastard now....he would see them soon enough (this is bat country):
Funny how Miss KKKynes and others don't get that when they try to "get" someone with the fact no job is paying minimum wage, that in fact they are further driving home the point that the minimum wage needs to be raised. While their other face is screaming we should do away with minimum wage altogether because it's hindering "job creators" ability to create jobs. Which we all know is complete and total bullshit.

so, raising the cost of labour, especially in the low margin Burger Business simply cannot increase prices because the burger loving public wont stand for it...


if we doubled their tax burden, would they also absorb THAT cost too?

if we put a Fat Tax of say, $.50 on every patty, to pay for the obesity they cause, would they just suck it up and take that kick right in their bottom line?

if then you capped burger prices at $1 "For The Children" they wouldnt simply go out of business, because they have a duty to provide dimwits like you with menial jobs, and offer up their homage to the government?

you must be a really good businessman. your grasp of the principles of business is absolutely arcane.

what is it you do again? ohh yeah you make your living lying about living in madagascar on the interwebs. another brilliant financial maneuver which i can never hope to duplicate. you are the Bernie Madoff of lying on the interwebs for profit

No sense in telling the poor bastard now....he would see them soon enough (this is bat country):

seriously? avenged sevenfold?

whats next? some super edgy Captain and Tenille, maybe some Village People?

i betcha Elton john has some badass shit you could post.
did i call you a "Bully"?


i called you a mendicant, begging for alms, while perplexingly asserting that you DESERVE more.

i have plenty of legs to stand on, so i will not crawl.

you ARE a coward, too afraid to face the "lifelong disability" that others have overcome (as demonstrated by Gaius Julius Caesar, among many others)

shit i know an epileptic who still works as a carpenter, framing houses, despite having recieved his "disabilty" courtesy of a 9mm bullet to the brain in a robbery.

dude got shot in the dome and STILL WORKS. what was your excuse again?

You haven't a clue how my life plays out how do you compare? Please cite my asking for anything except a living wage for others, I am not afraid in the least, honestly. This is not a sob story. It is an example of the other side.......I would not explain to you the private details of my conditions for many reasons. If my words were a jumping off point at least for this you might have a point.....these are bold have lied again and should be ashamed. Please, show me in my words where I say I deserve more. 150 is hard to live on but I am grateful and lucky. Find the truth.
seriously? avenged sevenfold?

whats next? some super edgy Captain and Tenille, maybe some Village People?

i betcha Elton john has some badass shit you could post.


Edgy? I could do that. But, you would be un-impressed. Fuckit. Parasite is bored:
I think the federal government should introduce a minimum annual profit of $200k for all privately owned enterprises with employees.
these business owners take huge capital risks and work endless hours to supply millions of jobs to those who need to support their families.

Entrepreneurs need a Comfortable Living Wage.
Edgy? I could do that. But, you would be un-impressed. Fuckit. Parasite is bored:


if this is gonna turn into a revival meeting...

Sammy Davis Jr, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and Bing Crosby at their best.
I think the federal government should introduce a minimum annual profit of $200k for all privately owned enterprises with employees.
these business owners take huge capital risks and work endless hours to supply millions of jobs to those who need to support their families.

Entrepreneurs need a Comfortable Living Wage.


You are boring. Say something cool. Tell your dad and mom that i came to rob them...
so, raising the cost of labour, especially in the low margin Burger Business simply cannot increase prices because the burger loving public wont stand for it...


if we doubled their tax burden, would they also absorb THAT cost too?

if we put a Fat Tax of say, $.50 on every patty, to pay for the obesity they cause, would they just suck it up and take that kick right in their bottom line?

if then you capped burger prices at $1 "For The Children" they wouldnt simply go out of business, because they have a duty to provide dimwits like you with menial jobs, and offer up their homage to the government?

you must be a really good businessman. your grasp of the principles of business is absolutely arcane.

what is it you do again? ohh yeah you make your living lying about living in madagascar on the interwebs. another brilliant financial maneuver which i can never hope to duplicate. you are the Bernie Madoff of lying on the interwebs for profit

I know this stuff is complicated for you to understand. You sell fruit for a living.
I know this stuff is complicated for you to understand. You sell fruit for a living.


When this happens: We "Do the Freddy, do the freddy, do the freddy, do the freddy!" Brats in battalions!!!!
I know this stuff is complicated for you to understand. You sell fruit for a living.

and yet i understand these principles better than yourself, who has repeatedly alluded to a lifesyle of wealth and opulence.

funny how the interwebs is full of so many rich powerful handsome dudes who fuck supermodels in the hot-tubs at their swiss chalet before jumping in their G-5 to spend 10 hours a day bragging on the interwebs from the free wifi at the local starbucks...
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