Miracle Gro Organic


I just bought Miracle Gro Organic because this was the best soil in the shop.

Will I still get a good amount of buds? and is there a chance of bug infestation and how do I stop it. I live in London so any relevent infestation please reply!

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I just bought Miracle Gro Organic because this was the best soil in the shop.

Will I still get a good amount of buds? and is there a chance of bug infestation and how do I stop it. I live in London so any relevent infestation please reply!

Thanks in advance
i too have used the MG organic ,it is ok if you mix it with some other plain soil . i used it with out mixing and it badly burnt my plant, i mixed it and still it the plant just not as bad . and i find it funny you mention bugs, i am still trying to get rid of them . i opened a brand new bag and out flew abunch of white flys.took it back got a new one and it must have had eggs or larvae in it because i still have em. hopw this helpsbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I've used this stuff before too. I prefer to mix in a fair amount of perlite, helps with drainage too.

I've noticed little flies too, considered pouring a layer of sand over the soil but recently switched to hempy buckets and am happy.
I just bought Miracle Gro Organic because this was the best soil in the shop.

Will I still get a good amount of buds? and is there a chance of bug infestation and how do I stop it. I live in London so any relevent infestation please reply!

Thanks in advance
DUMP IT AND FIND SOMETHING ELSE. I chunked 6 aurora indica's because of 3 different sets of bugs that came with that shit..

HOWEVER, i am building a house out in the country right now.. so im thinking of buying another few bags of this stuff so that i can just get the main support beams for the house out of it.


Well-Known Member
i had fantastic results using miracle grow organic... but the bugs came too lol. however the white flies are annoying but they wont hurt the plants.
eventually i gave up on trying to get rid of them (they just kept coming back like every 2 weeks) and amused myself for hours on end sucking them up with a small vacuum one a day :lol: fun pastime to do while ur watchin em grow and burning one for fun.

just keep the vacuum zozzle as far from the leaves of the branch as possible... just trust me on that one :lol: really.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use miracle grow man. You can, but if you're going to take the time, and put forth the effort to grow good shit, bite the bullet and buy some good soil. Pro mix, or FF ocean forest are both good. I've used ocean forest and vegged the whole time without nutes and the plants dig it. I didn't add nutes until I started flowering. You won't find bugs in it either. Fuck that noise


Well-Known Member
Best stuff I ever grew was 2/3 MG 1/3 vermiculite... as long as you watch the plants and take care of them as soon as ANY leaves show any signs of nutrient problems, you'll be fine.


but the packet says its new with no chemicals only naturally occuring ingredients and when i opened the pack no lil white fly flew out...:-?...does this mean the soil is good?


Well-Known Member
but the packet says its new with no chemicals only naturally occuring ingredients and when i opened the pack no lil white fly flew out...:-?...does this mean the soil is good?
I use 80% Miracle Grow Organic and 20% perlite. It drains really well then. I've never had a problem with bugs. Everyone I know here in California that uses soil uses MG organic to some degree. It's atleast 50% of what they mix when making there soil.

To me it hold water a little long. Add the perlite and it becomes a really nice product. After a few weeks dirt is dirt and your nutes take over.

MG Organic has a pretty mild dose of N so you shouldn't have any problems once your clones are rooted well and you transplant.


last question....im planning on growing two plants in a computer case. Can i make the plants wide, not tall? if so please instruct and does mersh smell when it buds?



Well-Known Member
Can i make the plants wide, not tall? if so please instruct and does mersh smell when it buds?

1) Plenty of light.
2) Plenty of circulation, like a circulating fan.
3) Tie your mother down, look into Low Stress Training (LST), or perhaps topping or Uncle Ben's topping technique. Then there's Sea of Green (SoG) and Screen of Green (ScroG) to understand how you're managing your canopies. These techniques can also increase yield, or total harvest, which is nice.


Well-Known Member
That stuff is loaded with bugs, plants love it though. Whenever I use it I throw it in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour to kill everything in it.