Miracle Grow and Nutes


Well-Known Member
hey gang,

Been vegging 5 weeks, plants look decent but I see some trouble. I water every 4 days tap water. No nutes but I am beginning to see some issues. Pics are worth 1000 words. Help please.


Well-Known Member
If your using miracle grow that stuff is shit full of salts and it would be easy to fry your plants with it.I would throw that shit over the bank if i was you and go grab really anythings better fox farm bio bizz bio canna


Well-Known Member
ok, yes, my next grow I will probably go with foxfarm soil which I think will be once I start to flower these (which I think I will do next week). that being said, any advice on my pants now? Throwing out 6 plants which can produce some yield is better than nothing.


Active Member
If your using miracle grow that stuff is shit full of salts and it would be easy to fry your plants with it.I would throw that shit over the bank if i was you and go grab really anythings better fox farm bio bizz bio canna
Miricle grow is fine forgrowing bud as long as u know how to use it fist off..second of allit has very little salts and it has nitogen potassum and postate based from the NPK system which makes miricle grow a fair option for growing pot i have grow a few sucessful chicks with that is it ideal..i would say no but for the broke person it would be the best option


Well-Known Member
and r you checking ph in your tapwater also leave all tapwater open in jug for 24 hrs to let all the chlorine evap off of it


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and for someone that has never grown shit, it has been pretty easy. I do want to get some nice bud out of this grow. My issue is getting foxfarm locally (i have to go online to get it). I have never transplanted (well I did a cup to MG but they were really small) so I dunno if transplanting will kill them (or really that I will kill them).

I do not think this crop is total shit, I think maybe I can get something, hopefully they will not be all male. I am not sure if I have nute deficiency or nute burn. That is my main issue here.


Well-Known Member
and r you checking ph in your tapwater also leave all tapwater open in jug for 24 hrs to let all the chlorine evap off of it
I do have a ph meter that I am not using, also I do not leave the water standing for a day. maybe two contributing factors. Let me see what the ph is.