miracle grow-BONE MEAL-6-9-0-flowering


Well-Known Member
that nute has too much nitrogen...... and no pottassium... potassium is needed for strong stem, helping the plant take up nutes, it is thought to have something to do with resin production, and is needed for large healhty fruits...


Active Member
ok, thank you for the feedback.

that nute has too much nitrogen...... and no pottassium... potassium is needed for strong stem, helping the plant take up nutes, it is thought to have something to do with resin production, and is needed for large healhty fruits...


Well-Known Member
i havent gone to get the tiger bloom yet so i'll try the tea. How do you make the tea? Do you just mix it up with the water then feed?
tea's require some time to brew, this tea takes a while, 2 weeks minimum, 4 weeks much better
so it may not be the best choice if your flowering is well advanced
molasses is needed as the base, and the tea must be kept well oxygenated, if not anaerobic bacteria will take over and they're not good
as remarked upon by another poster, the nitrogen sounds high, but it really isn't because it breaks down slow


obviosouly i dont smartass, which is why i posted for help. Are you retarded? If you can help great, but i dont need the smartass donkey remarks. If you would haev read you would have seen that i stated "this is my first grow"
i had the same question you had about the miracle grow bone meal!! Wow why did that guy even say anything if he was gonna be such a asshole about it?? The best person to ask is ed rosenthal. I will do more research. Anybody can tell you anything and everything about growing some of it is true and some of it is just silly. I have used the whole fox farm line and followed the feeding chart and had awesome results. I wanted to do organic so i changed to the roots organic and i think its missing something so im looking into the bone meal. Well good luck and peace