Miracle grow garden mix


Active Member
Hey yall, Im new here, I just started growing my own on Saturday (after germinating the seeds for about 3 days) Paper towel method works great, they were sprouting green already! I'm using what I thought would be soil, but it's kinda mulchy, anybody have any experience with this stuff? It seems to be working, just wanted to know if anybody knew anything further bout it. Thanks a lot!


Hey yall, Im new here, I just started growing my own on Saturday (after germinating the seeds for about 3 days) Paper towel method works great, they were sprouting green already! I'm using what I thought would be soil, but it's kinda mulchy, anybody have any experience with this stuff? It seems to be working, just wanted to know if anybody knew anything further bout it. Thanks a lot!

If you are going to grow in pots indoors I would grab some potting mix instead of garden mix, also i personally would not use miracle grow either, I'd grab some fox farm soil(if you can) , but some swear by MG products, if you are one of them than atleast grab the organic MG potting mix for indoors....:joint:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im a miracle grow guy that swears by it lol. I love the stuff it always makes my plants grow fast big strong and healthy.I use only miracle grow moisture control dirt.Id reccomend it to any grower but Fox Farm is good to but not as easy to get and costs more


Im a miracle grow guy that swears by it lol. I love the stuff it always makes my plants grow fast big strong and healthy.I use only miracle grow moisture control dirt.Id reccomend it to any grower but Fox Farm is good to but not as easy to get and costs more
damn straight Fox Farm is expensive as hell...I always mix it down 1/3 foxfarm 1/3 peat moss and 1/3 perlite, makes a beautiful mix and is way fucking cheaper than using the FF soil by itself.....:joint: .....And no I personally don't grow in MG but just my preforance, I now people that use it with amazing results as I'm sure you do too, just never been for me.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
It ll always kind of go with some trial and error.Each grower finds ways that work good for them and then kind of like creatures of habit go with what we know.So MG moisture control or Fox Farm organics or some bat guano mix will all be good try some and find what you like best. Just dont use yard dirt or dollar stire sale bag dirt.A good rich soil thats not to heavy and not mulchy is always good

solid shadow

Well-Known Member
This is a bit off-topic, so I apologize, but I just had to say that I'm very impressed with the forum users who replied to this thread. The original poster, probobly unintentionally, posted a question regarding soil-based growing in an area of the forum geared toward hydroponics and aeroponics. In pretty much any other mj website I visit the original poster would have been flamed horribly for such a trivial oversight, but you guys gave advice and were kind and helpful. My hat is off to you folks... this is why I keep coming back :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
And that why sites have mods..!! to move posts about

edit} now lets see how long it takes them..


Active Member
haha, I'm gettin used to the sight still! I realized that after I posted it. Thanks a lot for your patience and helpful info!


Active Member
How about if you are growing out doors with MG garden?? I guess this thread is still good even though its in the hydro section:bigjoint: