Miracle Grow Mistake

i am a beginer, and i planted my seeds in Miracle Grow. Everything looks to be fine but ive heard that Miracle Grow is bad for seedlings, what do i have to do to change the soil of my plants before its too late???

Dick Moser

Active Member
ok, easy and simple, first off HOLY SHIT YOUR ARE SO FUCKED DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok but for real, how long have they been planted in soil? the problem is im sure over fert from shitty soil, cause i cant think of why else it would be bad. lets see a pic or something you should be golden.


Well-Known Member
Look at the guaranteed analysis on the bag. Odds are total N-P-K is laess than a 1 OR 2%. I wouldnt use thier nutes but other than your hydro mediums, everything you get is sure to have some nutes in it. In the line of potting soil anyway. Just let em alone and grow some weed.


Well-Known Member
First off, don't go by what other people have said. Get some experience for yourself to make your own conclusions about a product. I for one have used a 50/50 mix of MG organic potting mix and MG organic garden soil before with excellent results. There is nothing wrong with MG soil and their nutes. I don't understand why growers give MG such a bad rap (probably because they used liquid nutrients along with their nutrient enriched MG soil and overfed their plants). It's cheap and readily available, what else can you ask for?

Just make sure to add plain water, nothing else is needed for however long the soil says it will feed your plants. The only thing MG soil needs is dolomite lime--this should be incrementally added to your water 2 weeks after seedlings have sprouted-- and some type of microbial inoculant for healthy roots. Also if you have real nasty tap water (300+ppm) consider buying a Britta pitcher filter. Good Luck!
ok, easy and simple, first off HOLY SHIT YOUR ARE SO FUCKED DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmfao @D Moser but theyve been planted for almost a week, im gunna take sum pics and post. and @ssj4 thanks bro ive been terrified for the passed couple hours because of what other people have been saying, ill keep u updated


Well-Known Member
lmao dude. ya dont worry about it. i use it all the time, and actually i like to use the MG organic choice blood meal and bone meal, u mix like a 1/4 cup of both and mix it w the soil in a 5 gallon painter bucket, ur good for all veg, then throw some bloom busters in 1/2 strength once its flowering


Well-Known Member
LoL mg haters :D personally i love mg moisture control soil. I go with what works, guess not everyone can grow with miracle grow. :peace:


Active Member
Just to calm your nerves, there is actually a thread on these forums where a side by side grow was done with MG and FFOG. Turns out that the plants in the MG actually outperformed the so called "best" soil.
I think what ended up being discovered is that as long as you have good drainage, just about any of the commercial soils will perform for our favorite plant.
So take a couple of deep breaths (at the end of a nice bong) and settle in for a good MG grow.


Active Member
im a 1st timer who just stocked up on miracle grow moisture control.it was recomended by a friend whom just used it to grow some nice autos.i havent planted yet but when i do i plan on doing 50 plants.the bag says it feeds plants for 6 months.i didnt believe it would and planned to add nutes around 3 weeks into veg.Is this to early/late? I have about 7 different fox farm products to feed my plants.is this even needed?should i return the miracle grow and just go with something else? oh,I also bought some perlite and vermiculite.any advice is appreiciated.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
We used MG for our first 2 grows, one of those was outside and we did fine with it. If you're on a budget, don't be ashamed; like anything else it'll work as well as you let it. People like to be l33t when they can: human nature. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
im a 1st timer ... the bag says it feeds plants for 6 months.i didnt believe it would and planned to add nutes around 3 weeks into veg.
Right here is where noobs constantly fuck up, trying to out think the manufacturers directions/advice.

They say 6 months, but you don't believe it and want to start dumping shit on them after three weeks.:dunce:

Go for it! You have those 7 bottles of stuff from FF to play with and the sooner you burn your plants up by over nuting, the sooner you will learn to slow down and have some patience growing.:wall:

If the MG says 6 months, figure at least 3 months before nute levels start to drop enough for your FF stuff. Learn to read your plants, they'll let you know when they want something, not when you think they do.

Perlite is good, but lose the vermiculite. Not so good.



Well-Known Member
fuck MG, its garbage... and yes, i used it when i first started too, drop the extra 10$ or so, your plants will thank you in the end man


Active Member
miracle grow is fine!! but you shouldnt start seedlings in soil with nutes in it. get some seedling starter soil! then once it gets started and a couple nodes on it then transplant into bigger pot with the soil with nutes. bone meal and blood meal is great too. other than that dont give it anything other than water or it will burn the piss out of it


Active Member
Miracle grow rocks ... its all I use and I get good results with it. If you have the budget , there are better mediums but as a ghetto grower I use the mg potting mix and the mg nutes . The naysayers may wanna tell ya different - but truth is cheapass miracle grow works very well and I am not just a troll spewing bullshit - check my journal - I pruduce a lot of nice stash with good ole MG ....


Well-Known Member
Nothing is wrong with mg if you use it right ,

i use it on my grows also

now i admit that i like to start seedlings off in something completely nute free , like jiffy mix

but all my plants are in mg


Well-Known Member
Where I live if you don't buy soil early it sells out,I got stuck and had to go to a grow store.
I bought a 1.5 cf bag of the rootsorganic for 18.00 and 2 2cf bags of happyfrog for 20.00 a bag...............talk about a rip-off.
I see better growth with the mg moisture control than I do either of the expensive bags and the mg is 8.50 for 2cf,I believe you can see the blue bags in one of the pics.
Now it's spring supposedly(still snowing here) the mg's back on the shelf so the rootsorganic now just sits there,prolly till the mg runs out.