miracle grow molasis


greetings ppl i was just woundering if anyone has tried this stuff i have been usinf it the past two weeks and have had great results my buds have almost doubled in cercumfrence, im mainly posting this to incoureging the ppl who are curious about using any kind of molasis to try this out very easy to use..bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
greetings ppl i was just woundering if anyone has tried this stuff i have been usinf it the past two weeks and have had great results my buds have almost doubled in cercumfrence, im mainly posting this to incoureging the ppl who are curious about using any kind of molasis to try this out very easy to use..bongsmilie
lol 8-0-0 must be great for flowering


Well-Known Member
No people avoid miracle gro like the plague

Lol i didn't even notice the n-p-k ratio hahahahah


Well-Known Member
its just molasses, it cant hurt you, but you can save money and by a bottle of blackstrap molasses for half the price and make 10 times more.


true smp i was just letting the ppl know that dont seem to
know how to mix their molassis it is very simple and so far its doing
wounders for me in flowering on one plant ive doubled the recomended
dosage and no sighn of burning at all. its got my vote


Active Member
If you are buying it just for the molasses I would just go buy BlackStrap! I would never use MG


ive got six bottles of black strap i just harvested the plant that i was experimenting with the mg
it was an outdoor plant i got 126 grams dry weight and this shit is smokin god i love weed
its just sum reggie bag seed but it has the fruitiest smell sold an oz of it for 250 today
didnt want to part with it but needed some pocket change lol all i'm saying is dnt knock it
till u try it smoke on lol


Active Member
ive got six bottles of black strap i just harvested the plant that i was experimenting with the mg
it was an outdoor plant i got 126 grams dry weight and this shit is smokin god i love weed
its just sum reggie bag seed but it has the fruitiest smell sold an oz of it for 250 today
didnt want to part with it but needed some pocket change lol all i'm saying is dnt knock it
till u try it smoke on lol
Lol.......If you have six bottles of black strap why are you using the same thing but more expensive? That miracle grow molasses is the same thing but a lesser concentration and 10 dollars more....makes no sense to me to pay for something that is less concentrated and more expensive???


donation, sale no diffrencs still a stransfer of money. no offense, i'll keep that comment in mind though


Active Member
That's because there is really no differance it's just MG with molasis added (think Marketing advantages to sell a product) say you have someone who is on the corporate broad with his own grow at home to! and while at a marketing meeting say's hay I have an Idea where there is a big market for a product that's in demand thus great looking bottle for marketing MG with molasis, but then that's how it goes in the corporate world they come up a snappy bottle and we line up to buy the pretty new container.

Not to say it's not good or is good.