miracle grow soil + water ONLY


Active Member
Another small percentage of people don't use MG solely for their dealings and economical and environmental impacts on the areas that they are vastly used. Monsanto is one of the; if not the, largest commercial fertilizer and pesticide co's in the WORLD, I and a few others I know absolutely will not use their products. Because of their terrible impact and shady business deals. One problem is that they have their greedy hands into almost everything these days; so, it's up to us to be informed consumers! Just FYI, do with it what you will. Good luck!
hey guys sry its been awhile. i killed her and then threw her into my wood stove . she stopped growing and the stem was deep purple. mg soil is tricky for a flawless grow.

I guess you may have not read what I had posted earlier about how you need to add some trace nutrients that MG soil lacks and cannabis needs. Once I started to see some red stem developing I figured out my issues and fixed it. Mine was my soil had mineral deposit build up from hard tap water. While I knew the ph was actually perfect the mineral deposits started to kill the plant. So I moved her to new MG soil, and I'm only using R/O water with nutrients at full strength now and the red stem is slowly starting to finally reverse. I think she's finally dialed in nicely. As soon as I can afford $30 to get flowering lights and bloom nutrients I will switch her to a 12/12 cycle and get ready for the real fun.