Miracle grow


Is Miracle grow liquid feeder good for outdoor growing? How much does a 4ft plant need to be watered? Any advice would be helpful ,this is my first grow.IMAG0042.jpgIMAG0029.jpg


Well-Known Member
Miracle Gro products are NOT for pot. Period. There are many better pot-oriented fertilizers while there are none worse. Those who would advocate for their products here are far outnumbered by more experienced growers.

Feed, water, water. Feed, water, water.

Use 1/2 strength nutrients your first grow (suggested) so if you fertilize accidentally or stupidly you won't be on here sniveling when your plants wilt/spot/drop/cry alligator tears.

In no order of preference:

  • Fox Farms
  • Advanced Nutrients
  • General Hydroponics (never used them but many do and they are affordable)

My advice is above. Do not over-water and do not over-fertilize. All the light you can force and keep the air moving, keep the air moving, keep the air moving. By the way, make sure you keep the air moving.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. I think they do just as good as any other synthetic fertilizers. Cannabis does not need cannabis specific foods. It's just a large flowering annual plant. Any balanced fertilizer will give you great results. Problems with Scott's products usually comes from lack of experience. Having said that, synthetics in general are more tricky to use because they are more concentrated, faster absorbing, are the high nitrates contained in them is the leading cause that contribute to ground water contamination, not to mention they can burn your plants if not properly applied.

Organics on the other hand, especially compost, manures, and meals, are slow releasing, tend to self correct pH, and are the least likely to burn. Plus you usually only have to apply them one or two times a year. All this weekly feeding crap from cannabis nutrients is just wasteful.

Also by buying organics your supporting smaller companies and that benefits your community. Scott's is a huge corporate machine. I avoid them simply because I don't think they do enough good for our communities. For example when people talk about deforesting and ruining bogs in Canada and the upper mid west in the USA, most of the time it's Scott that is behind that destruction.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. I think they do just as good as any other synthetic fertilizers. Cannabis does not need cannabis specific foods. It's just a large flowering annual plant. Any balanced fertilizer will give you great results. Problems with Scott's products usually comes from lack of experience. Having said that, synthetics in general are more tricky to use because they are more concentrated, faster absorbing, are the high nitrates contained in them is the leading cause that contribute to ground water contamination, not to mention they can burn your plants if not properly applied.

Organics on the other hand, especially compost, manures, and meals, are slow releasing, tend to self correct pH, and are the least likely to burn. Plus you usually only have to apply them one or two times a year. All this weekly feeding crap from cannabis nutrients is just wasteful.

Also by buying organics your supporting smaller companies and that benefits your community. Scott's is a huge corporate machine. I avoid them simply because I don't think they do enough good for our communities. For example when people talk about deforesting and ruining bogs in Canada and the upper mid west in the USA, most of the time it's Scott that is behind that destruction.
Agree on most organics. Having organically gardened since the early 70's I have found most people not impressed enough to pay the little bit extra for good organics. My best grows in severe desert heat (at least no humidity to screw the buds) the plants were all done organically. Same watering schedules as we did by truck. The grows with adequate composted material mixed with loam on the spot and in the hole could survive much healthier than the dirt & nutes bunch. Just my own experience.

But also in my own experience I have found organics to be much more work getting it all started with subsequent years easier with more yield as the soil is improved. Not "mined" but truly improved.


Well-Known Member
Miracle Gro products are NOT for pot. Period. There are many better pot-oriented fertilizers while there are none worse. Those who would advocate for their products here are far outnumbered by more experienced growers.

Feed, water, water. Feed, water, water.

Use 1/2 strength nutrients your first grow (suggested) so if you fertilize accidentally or stupidly you won't be on here sniveling when your plants wilt/spot/drop/cry alligator tears.

In no order of preference:

  • Fox Farms
  • Advanced Nutrients
  • General Hydroponics (never used them but many do and they are affordable)

My advice is above. Do not over-water and do not over-fertilize. All the light you can force and keep the air moving, keep the air moving, keep the air moving. By the way, make sure you keep the air moving.
see this is the problem i have with ppl giving out advice to new growers about shit they know little about. you treat cannabis like it's a special kind of magic plant that has special needs and requires special tretments to grow well. that is not the case. it is very much a weed and in it's native habitat grows in abandoned lots, cracks in the pavement and with no care at all. todays breeders enhance thc levels and cross breed for different kinds of mind altering effects and flavors. that doesn't change it's basic requirements. more new growers over fertilize, buy expensive nutritional lines that do nothing but part you with your money. and because you read it here from some dude that has no horticultural knowledge outside of the one species of plant he has some experience with, you believe it. shame on you hotrod for perpetuating the myth. it's guys like you who scare new growers into believing the myth. the reality is you need nothing more than the big three elements, and a host of minor elements to grow the plant from start to finish. since op is growing outdoors half his battle is already solved. minor elements are rarely a problem in even average soils. and a simple compliment of MG tomato feed or jacks all purpose is all he needs to grow what he wants. i saw the photos. the plants lack nothing. all he needed was a pat on the back and you give him horror stories. indoor growers with little experience can't even get results like that. that he is growing outdoors is a huge plus and all he needs is a little extra all purpose fertilizer. if it were mine i would also add some lime, azomite and a handful of rock phosphate. i grow organically and know all about soil biology, which it seems you lack completely because you rely on crap from hydro shops that purport to produce amazing results but are a recipe for disaster in all but the most experienced hands, op...stick with the basics. treat your cannabis like a tomato. they are somewhat heavy feeders and the fertilizer you've chosen will work fine. don't listen to anyone who only knows how to grow one species of plant. look instead to experienced gardeners who know about plants in general and the element it grows in. soil. healthy soil. moist, fertile and well drained. gardeners with a specific knowledge of cannabis have an edge over monoculture growers. spend more time in the organics section. learn more about soil and soil biology. if you can give your plants the best soil made from very simpe amendments you will end up with a superior end result. and stay out of the newbie section. your pix are fine examples of what we all strive to achieve and you don't belng here in the fiction section.


Thank you all for your input and time .Special thanks to Dannyboy602 for your forthright and sharing your undoubtedly vast knowledge which some day I hope to possess.


Well-Known Member
Dont want to get in the middle of a nute argument or anything since im a beginner and have never personally used miracle grow but the reason i steered away from it is because ive heard that when you are using it for indoor plants its hard to keep the ph balanced but its fine for outdoor plants