Miracle Myth


New Member
I posted a thread recently in the newbies because i was having trouble with my first plant. My plant was very pale and purpling around the edges. i was growing in MG garden soil which i was told would "burn" my plant, as many have claimed it did to theres. After hearing this i went and looked at the bag in the garage and was surprised to see that the NPK is .10 .05 .15. ( yes those are decimals so not even whole numbers were dealing with) i immediately went out and bought some peat moss and vermiculite and some MG houseplant liquid fertilizer. (8 7 6) so here's the pudding. (My plant BEFORE THE OVERHAUL)




Much better! :bigjoint:

Now unless theres some variable i dont know then the evidence ive gathered tells me that MG soil does not "burn your plants but the opposite. It starves them.

I hope this sheds some light in the subject and i would be glad to answer any questions.
Criticism and expertise would also be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
.10-.05-.15 is the same as 10-5-15, same as 20-10-30, thats why its called a ratio, but good luck anyways


New Member
Ah Jbone how could i be so stupid?!?!? :-? the thought never accord to me. ive been so consumed by this the past week that i think im going mad. thanks for that wake up. still tho im confused as to why my plant was showing such strong signs of nitrogen deficiency if the miracle gro has plenty of it.


New Member
yea MightyBum it was the time release. just what i had left over from the vegetable garden this year. the tomatoes and peppers thrived in it so idk what the deal is.