Miricle Grow Garden Feeder and Drip System?

Yea dude just add some natural composted ferts to your water. What you wanna do is let the ingredients which would usually be composted manure and stuff like that sit in a bin of water for like a day with a fish tank air stone on the bottom. After that the water will have alot of the nutrients in it.

Are you kidding me?


Well-Known Member
KIPDRORDY--- no its hooked up to a tap really long hose a few hundred feet..

Greentheblue---- What type of grape juice do u use???

    • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif] I like the tea idea but i am almost [/FONT]certain[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif] it will gum and build up my lines[/FONT]​



Well-Known Member
MG defiantly sounds the easy'st but the different taste makes me want to say no mg.. Then i see GREENTHEBLUE huge massive plants they look so healthy... there are so many mixed feelings about MG

Im looking for the easy'st and fastest way to give all plants nutes since i had a drip-line i was hoping running my nutes through it....... think im just stuck with a few 5 gallon buckets mix my nutes ph and feed a gal each of the plants i wish there was a easyer way.... what a pain in the ass
i meant like do malasses then wait 4 days then do juice but flush good on the 3 day morning and forth night and then hit it the next night just switch it up to be safe i would not do both at the same time


Well-Known Member
There are many reason why some flush the last few weeks of growth. The nute and chemical build up I’m talking about results in salt deposits limiting the plants growth. Salt build ups can occor much before flowering and MG has reputation for causeing it.
No uneducated growers blame MG as the cause. WE THE PEOPLE are in CONTROL of nutes. I flush once a week, sometimes twice.
No uneducated growers blame MG as the cause. WE THE PEOPLE are in CONTROL of nutes. I flush once a week, sometimes twice.
No one said MG is a cause guy, I just don’t prefer to use it myself. If
you chose to grow prize wining roses would you grow them with generic ass
MG? Honestly a lot of the comments on this site are asinine, anyone can grow a
good plant it doesn’t even take common sense. Stop taking your self so
seriously, this is a hobby that takes care of it self. I understand putting a
seed in the ground may be the only productive act you’ve done for society but I
assure you its nothing to boast about. GET A GRIP the plant is a weed that
thrives in almost any environment, if you like growing with nasty unknown
chemicals the choice is yours. I personally like to feel the comfort of
ingesting a plant grown with strictly organic nutrients.
A couple pages before

Not trying to start shit, just sayin. ;) I do agree with you about organic vs. synethic chemicals though.
I stand corrected, I did say MG has a reputation for causing salt build up
among other issues. I can’t say that this will always happen, but I do believe
it is much more likely to happen using MG.

Thanks for pointing it out :)


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected, I did say MG has a reputation for causing salt build up
among other issues. I can’t say that this will always happen, but I do believe
it is much more likely to happen using MG.

Thanks for pointing it out :)
That's the myth I'm trying to either confirm or bust. Everybody says "its all good! give it a good flush!" I dont know if I buy that. You take two people and give one person 3000 calories of fresh veggies and nuts and give the other 3000 calories of cheeseburgers and fries and I am 1000000% certain one is going to look and maybe smell more appealing than others.

But that's why I'm giving one of my plants up to science! I have smoked plenty of chemm'd up plants as well as plenty of organic and I have liked the chemm'd up ones more than a few times but I never had them both from the same grower. That's the main variable.
That's the myth I'm trying to either confirm or bust. Everybody says "its all good! give it a good flush!" I dont know if I buy that. You take two people and give one person 3000 calories of fresh veggies and nuts and give the other 3000 calories of cheeseburgers and fries and I am 1000000% certain one is going to look and maybe smell more appealing than others.

But that's why I'm giving one of my plants up to science! I have smoked plenty of chemm'd up plants as well as plenty of organic and I have liked the chemm'd up ones more than a few times but I never had them both from the same grower. That's the main variable.
http://marijuanamythbusters.com/ I'm not sure these guys have put that one to the test. It's an interesting site to say the least