Mis-matched Lighting?


I have a tent 4 x 4 x 6 in which I tried using 2 x 600w HPS lights but are far too hot so I removed the globe from one of them and replaced it with a spare 250w MH.. the temps are now perfect but I'm wondering how it will affect growing as the 250w MH is far weaker than the 600w..

I currently have the lights angled inwards to try and concentrate the light using the reflectors like so -

I was thinking if I swap the globes to the opposite sides every 2 days it should be ok, thoughts? What would be the down side to doing this?

should I just use a single 600w? I would really like the extra light and I guess the extra spectrum cant hurt either..?

The plan is to use mesh and spread 3 plants as large as possible over the 4x4 area, the branches have already just about filled all the four coners of the tent and are starting to grow vertical, just waiting to decide on the lighting method before i put them to head, ideas?


Veg stage can be done with a totally blue spectrum, but flowering you want to stick to hps for the red spectrum. Both are definitely best, but for an area the size you are using I would stick to one mh and switch to hps when flowering. My setup is hps and 12" blue led panels. The led panels never get hot so it allows for both spectrums with minimal heat output. You may want to think about finding more room. My current citral plant is already 4.5 square feet in veg. The thing I like about led panels is that I can place them anywhere for maximum light absorbtion. Don't get me wrong. There is no way to over do artificial lighting, but temperatures can become a problem. I hope this was helpful.


Well-Known Member
I use staight hps throughout my whole grow!! MH is good for veg but either will do the trick.. Mix matching them will not hurt one bit!! Its the time of the lighting that changes your plants...everything is fine!!