misleading weight


Active Member
No he was saying wetter bud had less thc.He never said cause 1 gram dries out to less then a gram.He said wet bud had less thc.
Plus are you in his head to know what he ment? He said wet had less thc.
Have I explained it enough ways for you?
No, now YOU"RE not getting it.
Potency IS the amount of THC in relation to the total weight.
Wet bud has LESS THC because its a smaller amount of weed with water.

What has less sugar?
a 20oz coke?
or 20oz's of coke with water?

also shiva skunk is right.
I didnt want to bring it up, because i didnt want to get torn apart for explaining it wrong.
but as bud is cured properly, it actually gains THC that it didnt have before.
Because other cannabinoid plant chemicals begin to turn into THC.

so whichever way you cut it.
a gram of wet bud has LESS THC
then a gram of dry bud.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
It is a hard thing to measure/guage moisture but when one guy posts a plant 1/2 the size of my 1/4lb plants and says he got 5lbs i do get comic relief. its a win win


Well-Known Member
LOL i just had to explain that exact same thing to a friend last week. he told me he would rather pay $40 for wet stuff instead of $30 for dry stuff. he said the wet stuff burns longer and lasts longer. i said you're paying for extra water. i said get me a bag of it and we'll let it sit out a few nights. it weighed 3.6 when we got it. 5 days later it weighed 2.9. .7 grams was water. i said if your wet stuff is lasting you longer than any dry stuff you get is probably shy on what it should weigh.
When I chopped the cola from one plant last week, I had 18.3g immediately after trimming, and weighing again in the morning, I had lost 10.1g just overnight in water weight.
After about 4 days of drying, I had only lost another gram.


Well-Known Member
No, now YOU"RE not getting it.
Potency IS the amount of THC in relation to the total weight.
Wet bud has LESS THC because its a smaller amount of weed with water.

What has less sugar?
a 20oz coke?
or 20oz's of coke with water?

also shiva skunk is right.
I didnt want to bring it up, because i didnt want to get torn apart for explaining it wrong.
but as bud is cured properly, it actually gains THC that it didnt have before.
Because other cannabinoid plant chemicals begin to turn into THC.

so whichever way you cut it.
a gram of wet bud has LESS THC
then a gram of dry bud.
This is one case where 'what weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of rocks' does not apply.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You all are a bunch of fucking math geniuses.

It just takes a bit of common sense to know that the THC to weight ratio is highest with dry nuggs, not wet. Wtf?


Well-Known Member
mj weight can be so misleading. i like when ppl say they got a pound per light(which many ppl do with ease), but it's wet as fuck when they weigh it, almost to the point where it's non smokable. when you buy or sell your stuff, how wet is it usually?

personally, i like it bone dry. little harsher, even after a long cure, but it seems to get me the highest. probably because the less % water, the higher % other chemicals like THC etc. just shitty how so many growers mislead people. i guess unless they want it wet.
I love my weed soaked, soaked in trichromes :hump:, I cure my herbs for 4 weeks after drying and when finished it's almost bone dry but sticky as hell and definitely not harsh; harsh weed is uncured weed IMO.
