Mist Clones Outside??


Well-Known Member
i just got a few clones on 18 hour light and put them outside in the shade. Its the second day and they are doing ok except one thats drooping a little. Should I mist them off? and if so how frequently? Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
i just got a few clones on 18 hour light and put them outside in the shade. Its the second day and they are doing ok except one thats drooping a little. Should I mist them off? and if so how frequently? Thanks for the info

If its in the shade then go for it. If the plants are out enjoying the day don't mist them because it could risk a burn from the hot sun.


Well-Known Member
do u know from experience? I dont want to practice on these plants. I only want to mist them if someone has tried this technique before. I am afraid if I mist them in the shade they may get some sort of fungus. I may be overanalyzing but what can u expect im a weedsmoker! lol

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
I mist my clones and live in a very humid place. I do not use a dome...no need here but your location may be different. Never had a fungus problem. Trade winds when they are outdoors and fans on when they are indoors. Air flow is very important for all stages of growth. Go ahead and experiment...that's the best way to learn what works where you live


Well-Known Member
im in so cal n they have been in the shade for 2 days now. A couple have wilted from too much sun so i had to put them all the way into the shade. They seem to be doing ok except one drooping out of 12. I just dont know how long to leave them in the shade. Should it be for about a week? I will keep my eyes on them but any solid advice would be great

Celtic Vixen

Active Member
Are you not able to put them under flouros? Clones don't really need heat from above. At least not like the sun generates. Flouros don't get as hot. In some places, geographically speaking, people put clones on top of heating pads because roots will go towards the heat. I don't do that because of my warm climate but I have about 90% success...maybe higher...on my clones. Clones need 24 hr light initially.

Another question would be... Are you keeping them moist? Clones like to be moist...not soggy, moist.

How old are your clones?


Well-Known Member
Im getting ready to take them outdoors to transplant next week. I figured it would be good to keep them in the shade to harden them off. They r moist and not too wet. Im less concerned now because its been 2 days outside and only one is drooping very slightly. I will just keep them there for a week or so and hopefully they will be tough enough for the light.