Mistaken russet mites for nutrient burn?? Help

Small is relative; there could be BILLIONS of russet mites in your garden...
pretty creepy really. i do a prevenitive spray every 10 days using nuke'em, from flying skull, and i have zero issues. stuff works really well. however, on a microscopic level, i have no idea, and i am reminded of that saying, ignorance is bliss.
pretty creepy really. i do a prevenitive spray every 10 days using nuke'em, from flying skull, and i have zero issues. stuff works really well. however, on a microscopic level, i have no idea, and i am reminded of that saying, ignorance is bliss.

I'd find two other sprays with different ingredients and modes of action and alternate. No matter how good nuke 'em it's, eventually you'll get resistance if you never use anything else.
well, so far so good, (been using nuke for aprx a year now)
But i'm all for staying a couple steps ahead them little bastards, you can bet on that!
so do you have any recommendations? i like nuke em since its safe to spray on in through flower. just dont spray the final 2 weeks, or you will get a soapy taste...anyway,
wat do you use?
I'd find two other sprays with different ingredients and modes of action and alternate. No matter how good nuke 'em it's, eventually you'll get resistance if you never use anything else.

Azamax and Green Cleaner around the yard as well on rotation it the tent.
I like the Green Cleaner because I can apply it in my under ware.

DUDE exactly what I had, I used nuke em along with forbid but honestly use nuke em. Spray three times during one session letting the plants dry out inbetween sprays and your done. Dont buy all the crap people say, buy nuke em and spray 3 times to get rid of them then once a week. Mites cannot gain an immunity to nuke em so no need to rotate products. nuke em is all you need. I might sound like a nuke em endorser but seriously that how much I believe in nuke em. I do occasionally spray with neem oil just because it seems to be a healthier plant but other than that nuke em is all you need.

The forbid didnt even compare to nuke em. And that says a fkin lot.
I have a few different bottles of crap but a month into spraying 3x a week and I went and got some no pest strips. A bit of a pain cutting off exhaust and remembering your dealing with a poison while high all day but it wound up being a lot easier than spraying every few days.
O ya the worst part was being positive there was no way there could be a single creature in the tent and being all proud for a few days and then on day 5 you start seeing shit again.. Disheartening lil suckers. But after a few days with the strips I haven't had a problem for a good while now.

Good luck